Romance Was Dead

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The school bell had rang and not long after pupils had ran out the main school doors like animals released into the wild. The girl who had just had drama class, had one thing to do before she went home.

She was your average book nerd.

As soon as the bell rang and she was dismissed, she walked back into school hallways, going the opposite way others were going.

She got there and waited for a whole two minutes.

No, of course. She knew he wouldn't turn up.

But to her dismay, he did turn up as well.

They greeted and walked some place else, surrounded by some shrubbery. She looked into the glass window and gazed inside of the room, no one was there. She told him about no one being there, proving their trip to be of no use.

"So, do you want to kiss?"He asked her ignoring what she just said.

No."Um, okay?"

What the hell is wrong with you?! You don't want to kiss that! He plays you around. What are you, desperate? He didn't want you tell anyone!

Indeed, it seemed like she was desperate, she never had a life of suitors. They both looked around as if anyone was going to see them lip-to-lip. Of course, it shouldn't have mattered whether they were kissing in front of anyone, no one really knew her or him. He just didn't want to be seen kissing her, most probably.

He was the one ran the course to her mouth, like he was waiting for this. She was too shy to barely move her head.

There lips met.

And left like a fly being swatted at. Quickly gone.

Something was wrong.

Now she was left pondering how that felt to him or how that should've felt. His lips were soft...and warm but it was nothing.

"Do you want to snog?"

"I didn't brush my teeth this morning." She lied. She was making up excuses.

"Doesn't matter." He gushed.

"O-okay, then?" She stuttered with pauses still not sure whether it was right or wrong to kiss him, even if she just had. Like she felt pressured to.

They're lips greeted again. And now she regretted letting him 'snog' her. His eyes were closed. It was like he was shoving a vile slug in her mouth. She hated it. It was gross.

Not pleasurable habit gross either. She knew the definition of gross - This boy.

They broke free and then he said something about his downstairs region, which grossed her out even more. Why couldn't he see how she felt? Was she a master of disguise?

And then he wanted to "snog" her again. He pressured her into it again. Her eyes were open again. She didn't like this kiss either. His hands were roaming in places where she didn't want them to go. She tried to push herself away but then he dragged her closer and more forcefully. He was tugging at her clothes in an absurd manner. She was now fearing for her life.

His eyes were closed. She unzipped her bag quietly. After plucking up the courage, she whacked him over the head with it. He fell to floor shocked and surprised. And then she swung again at him and kept pounding and pounding his head with the hard book. His blood splatted on her cheeks, and nose like a spray, it was even in her hair.

He was a limp body nearly as good as a bag of bones, he should of been with a gaping head wound on the hard red concrete. She didn't do anything but leave and post her blood stained book back in her bag, with such urgency.

She still had his slobber all over her mouth. The girl wiped the spit off her face, on to her school sleeve which she didn't care so much about.

He didn't walk her home, he was pretty much dead. Let that be his lesson.

Even if he told her not to tell anyone, she did.

Romance is truly dead.

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