Chapter Two: Chocolate Chips

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"Hinata!" said her younger sister Hanabi as she ran down the steps of the house, giving her older sister a big hug.
Hinata smiled a little at her sister and patted her head; ruffling up her hair a bit in the process. Hanabi looked at her big sister with her child like eyes. "How was the mission?" she asked.
"It was the same as all the others." Hinata said, her face still having a smile on it. Hanabi smiled back;obviously used you her sister not giving her details about 'special' missions.
Hanabi grabbed Hinata's hand and led her into the house, with a servant following behind carrying Hinata's duffel bag. "You must be starving sis!" said Hanabi, opening the front door and leading Hinata to the kitchen.
"Yea I am." said Hinata. "How about I make us something."
Hanabi's eyes went wide with excitement. "I'LL HELP!" What are we making?"
I"m thinking about some waffles, eggs and bacon."
Hanabi's mouth watered at the sound of hearing her sister describing food. "Are they gonna be chocolate chip waffles?"
Hinata only giggled. "If you can find the secret place where I hide them." Hanabi clapped her hands in excitement of a scavenger hunt. She then ran off to find the chocolate chips while Hinata was putting bacon on the pan.
Hanabi looked and looked and looked until finally she decided to look into the refrigerator. She noticed that there was a cookie jar in there. 'A weird looking cookie jar.' she thought. She grabbed it. She noticed it was in the shape of a chinese lady wearing a red dress. She tried unscrewing the head and found it extremely difficult.
Hanabi looked at the jar for a second and, giving up, dropped it on the ground. Smashing it to pieces. Inside of it was a note. Hanabi picked it up and noticed that there was an arrow on it. The arrow was pointing up. Hanabi looked up and saw nothing at first but she then noticed a small bag taped to the ceiling. 'That has to be it.'
"Hinata!" she shouted, pulling on her sisters clothes.
"Hmm...?" said Hinata, mixing the waffle batter.
"It's up there! On the ceiling!"
Hinata looked up and saw the bag. "Oh yea. Well you're just going to have to get it down."
"Already on it." Hanabi was now on the table looking up at the bag. Hanabi knew what she had to do. She had to be limber and delicate in order to get that bag. She bended her knees, eyes focused and determined. This had more of a meaning between her and Hinata. If she could get that bag she could prove something to Hinata. Prove how strong she really is and maybe go on missions with her.
Hanabi got a fork and jumped from wall to wall. She ran on the wall and aimed towards the bag. (A/N: It's a very big house and very big kitchen y'all.) When she felt herself slipping, she threw her fork towards the bag. She did a backflip in the air and landed on the table. She looked up at the bag, hoping that the fork would bring it down.
Though, her face was clouded with disappointment. The fork only torn the bag instead of bringing it down. "Damn." she mumbled to herself. She heard a giggle and turned her head to see Hinata laughing. "Don't get disappointed to easily Hinabi." said Hinata, grabbing a knife from one of the drawers. "You actually did pretty well." She looked at the knife studying it. Feeling the sharp of the blade. "It was just your aim. It was a little off."
Then as quick as lightning, Hinata threw the blade towards the bag. The blade went flying towards the bag, hitting the tape and sending the bag downwards, with Hanabi catching it. Hanabi opened the bag and found two full bags of chocolate chips. She felt sadden even more. So what if they get to have chocolate chips in their waffles? Hanabi wanted to prove to Hinata that she could get them herself. Since she didn't, it just proves how weak she really is.
Hinata noticed this and smiled. She went over to her sister and ruffled her hair. Hanabi looked at her sister with wide eyes. "It's okay Hanabi." she said. "No need to get discouraged. You did well. I couldn't even do all that when I was your age. You're going to be better than me one day. Just you wait."
Hanabi looked at her sister with amazement. They were both staring at each other for a long time before Hanabi smiled back and ran to the batter. "So how many cups do we put in the batter? Five? Seven? The whole bag?!!" Hinata laughed at her sister. "How about two cups?" Hanabi pouted, but did what her sister told her.
"Hinata?" said a voice coming from the doorway. The two girls turned their head towards the voice; only to discover that it was their father, Hiashi Hyuuga. Hiashi still had on his morning robes and slippers and looked kind of relieved. Hinata went back to her cold expression and Hanabi was just staring between the two of them.
"Yes Father?" said Hinata, bowing.
"I didn't hear you come in." he said, his voice sounding almost sincere.
"I apologize. I just wanted to make breakfast for the family before retiring to my room."
There was a silence that took over the room. Hanabi could smell the tension between the two family members.
Finally, their father just sighed, took a piece of bacon of the plate, and went back to his office. Hinata looked out the door where Hiashi left for a second before returning to making breakfast. Hanabi, looked at her sister, tightening the grip of the bag in her hand.
"Hanabi," said Hinata, stirring the eggs. "you better hurry up with those waffles. I'm going to die of hunger if they're not done on time."
Hanabi looked at her sister who was smiling at her. That smile that took her years to perfect. To make it seem almost convincing. But Hanabi knew the truth behind that fake smile. The pain and heartache that she keeps inside of her; the regrets, the fear, all hidden behind her face. Feeling never show, tears never fall from that perfect structure. That's what made her the perfect soldier. The perfect assassin.
Feelings, emotions, would drag you down, so Hinata learned to seal them inside of herself. Under a lock and key, never letting them show.
Hanabi knew. She knew what her the pain was. What she done, what she held deep inside of her. She knew, yet she did not care. She loved her sister. No matter what she did; she loved her no matter what.
"Hanabi?" said her sister looking at her with concern.
"Hm? Oh yea! I"ll have these waffles done so quick that by you turn around they'll be done."
Hinata laughed at her sister. "I sure hope so." Hinata went back to cooking the eggs and Hanabi glanced at her once more before adding another cup of chocolate chips.
"Lord Orochimaru?" said a young man with glasses and grey hair tied back into a ponytail.
"Hm?" said an old snake like man at the desk.
"Neji Hyuuga is here. Should I let him in?"
"Yes. Thank you Kabuto. You shall."
Kabuto bowed and left the room. Ten second later, a young boy, about seventeen with long brown hair tied into a ponytail, came into the room. His pale eyes which was the Hyuuga's trademark scanned the room. He closed the door behind him and went up to the desk, bowing his head to his superior.
"Lord Orochimaru." he said, his voice smooth and calm.
"Neji." said Orochimaru, his voice snakelike and twisted that it would have brought fear to his opponents. "I bet you're probably wondering why I called you here."
"I expected it to be another mission."
"I'm afraid not." He pointed towards a chair in front of him. "Please have a seat."
Neji did as he was told and sat. Orochimaru took out a file and scanned at it for second before resuming back to Neji. "Neji, my sweet boy Neji, you remember your cousin Hinata right?"
Neji's eyes went wide for a second and he became a little tense but resumed back to his original state. "Yes sir. I do."
Orochimaru smiled at him noticing how uncomfortable he was. "How would you describe her Neji?"
Neji swallowed before answering. "She is the weakest in the family. She is worthless. A worthless piece of crap that isn't even worth mentioning.
Orochimaru frowned. "I see." He snapped the folder shut and got up from his desk and went to Neji, inspecting him. "You know I don't like lying Neji." Neji had a lump in his throat. "I'm not lying."
"Funny." He was circling Neji now and could feel the tenseness in the air. "She doesn't seem weak in these photos." Orochimaru took out the photos and laid them Neji's lap. Neji grabbed them and looked at them. As soon as he saw them he regretted it. All he saw was Hinata. Doing missions, killing, and one picture of her on her last mission.
Neji's eyes widened as he felt Orochimaru's hand on his shoulder. "Now Neji I want you..." He knelt down to Neji's ear licking his snake like tongue over his lips. "to tell me all about your cousin Hinata."

Munchie140: So... I updated this story to as well!! I don't have my own computer yet but I'm using my chromebook I got from school. Which sucks because I can't get on anything especially wattpad but hey as long as I can write my stories, I don't give a crap. I actually have high hopes for this story though. But let's get serious. Naruto has officially ended. I have mixed feeling about this. I love Naruto and I'm sad that it ended but it showed that NaruHina is a flipping SUCCESS!! OMG!! I saw their kids!! OMG! I saw SasuSaku. OMG!! She's so cute!! OMG!!! I'm sorry about you NaruSaku fans but it didn't happen. So HA!! I'm sorry don't hate me. But I didn't exactly grow up with Naruto. I liked him since the 6th grade and *sniff* it was a fun ride guys. *tears fall* I'm glad you got to hokage Naruto. Your dream came true. You taught me many things. *more tears fall* Friendship and Goals/Dreams and the most important Never Giving UP!! I...just... I just...* *cries harder* I'm going to miss you.
Naruto: I'm going to miss you too Munchie. Please make all your dreams come true. I know you'll do great things and make your dreams a success. And make these two fanfictions a success too. Ok? *hugs me*
Munchie140: *hugs back* Ok.
Naruto: And those of you who are reading. Never give up on your dreams ok? If I can make them happen so can you. I believe in all of you. Do great things in life ok? *thumbs up* DATTEBAYO!! SEE YA!!

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