A significant lack of limbs

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     Pain TW!! Summary for those who don't think they'll be able to get through it: Raphael finds herself falling through the void and ends up in a pool of boiling sulfur. In an attempt to stop the pain, she possesses a snake. He then falls asleep.

     Raphael first notices the fact that she is no longer standing on solid ground. She's not even standing at all. In fact, she's on her back.

     The second thing she notices is that she is falling. Falling through what seems to be a void of nothingness. She's strangely calm, for all that she's woken abruptly and is falling. It's gradually getting warmer as she falls and what lead up to this is a bit blurry. She'd definitely had a chat with Mom, although not a pleasant one. And she had plans. With one of her siblings. Something or other with Amenadiel.

     The third thing she notices, which shakes her from her relatively peaceful reverie, is the fact that she can't feel her arms and legs and there's a pain slowly spreading from the base of her wings from where they start by her shoulder blades. Although she's trying her best to move, the best she does is shift around a little, which only makes her fall faster. It's getting hotter now and the pain isn't just in her wings anymore.

     Behind, or technically under her, there is a dim reddish orange light. Like fire. And a sulfurous smell progressively getting worse. Raphael falls and falls and then suddenly she's not falling anymore, she's drowning and everything hurts. Oh God, why does it hurt?

     It's the worst she's ever felt. Every single part of her feels as if it could fall apart and leave her nothing but a charred stain on the ground. She thrashes around, blind and sore, but eventually she regains enough sense to know that in order to get out, she has to go in one direction consistently. She reaches the edge and crawls out, gasping for breath, hoping that the effort of breathing will take her mind off the hot pain still attacking her. It doesn't.

     She attempts to heal herself. It does work to some degree, although not enough to want to stay in this particular body. She flees and the pain lessens, but doesn't diminish completely. In a hurry, she possesses the closest thing to her, a large and lengthy noodle-like thing with a distinct lack of limbs. Raphael quietly apologizes to the snake. He's always rather liked snakes, going so far as to put two on his staff. Suddenly his perception of heat enhances and his vision grows so much worse. Now isn't the time to dwell on that.

     He sets off to put as much distance as possible between himself and the lake of boiling sulphur. He comes upon a group of people. A group of demons. There were hundreds of them. Some in their original bodies, some taking the bodies of various animals who'd found their way to hell as Raphael had.

     There, going around and giving orders was Lucifer. He was unharmed for the most part, although he looked a bit ashy and burned. He was distracting himself and the demons, trying to make everything more comfortable for them. He was currently giving orders for the demons who could create to start working on a system to create new bodies for those who'd lost theirs. Raphael decides it's in his best interest to lay down and sleep for a while. Maybe when he wakes up, he'll hurt less.
Yoo hello everyone,, this is an authors note. Obviously. I doubt this story will get a lot of traffic because Good Omens and Lucifer just aren't popular on Wattpad but I mean,, I do enjoy writing this so I figured someone would enjoy reading it.
To address the pronoun change: I'm using the headcanon that because angels and demons (specifically the fallen) don't have genders, they use the pronouns of however they present. Usually they present one specific way for the majority of their existences or switch and stay for ages but Crowley is more fluid than most, which is partially where I got the work title from.

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