Assignments: Interlude Prerequisite

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     Over the next few months, things change. Hell establishes a hierarchy and gives specific assignments. Lilith becomes the first and only non-angelic demon, although with what Crawley's heard it isn't likely she'll stay the only for long. She's, as Aziraphale put it with Eve, expecting. Crawley wonders what this kid will be like since they're not entirely human but they're also not quite the same kind of demon as the others, as Lilith is still mostly human biologically and the father isn't. Rumors say they're Azazel's. Crawley... Would rather not think about it.

     Crawley isn't surprised when he's assigned to Earth. And he's rather glad. Hell is stuffy and he hates it there. He'll take any excuse to leave. He hasn't spoken to Lucifer or Azrael or Amenadiel or any of his siblings and he's just so so lonely.

     So he leaves quickly. He follows Adam and Eve and their kids and sometimes interacts with them, but he finds the large groups of humans in other places vastly more interesting.

     They're building temples to gods who didn't even exist before they believed them into existence. And the gods they've made are a little questionable but so fun to hang around. Crawley is having a pretty good time for a while.

     He finds friends in Loki, who's very cynical but often funny, and Dionysus who knows how to go absolutely feral to have a good time. Hermes is crafty and ready to go along with every elaborate plan Crawley thinks of. Frey and Apollo have never met, but both sympathize with Crawley's instinct to heal and love. He thinks they might make good friends. Anubis is a lot like Azrael, which might be because they're both associated with death or it could just be their personalities.

     So Crawley isn't alone anymore. Still maybe avoiding his siblings but not alone.


Is this chapter an excuse to vaguely imply the existence of the Riordanverse even when I will likely never bring it up again? Yes. Is this chapter really short because I had no idea what else to put here? Yes. Ok but seriously this chapter is sorta the beginning of the short interlude explaining more about the effect Crowley being Raphael has on the universe and the effect on the relationships that he has with everyone and how it plays a role in the plot.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2019 ⏰

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