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Devin blinked strands of blonde hair out of her eyes, quietly stretching. She'd had lots of time to perfect her techniques, stretching out just enough to relax but enough to wake Heath. 


Devin sat up and opened her eyes. The room around her was full of bright sunlight, tinged a slight blue from the painted walls. In the center of the room, an enormous bed with dark blue sheets stood proudly beside an enormous wardrobe and a giant window. There was a gorgeous white balcony that doubtless overlooked a lovely view, a table with two chairs, and a strange white cabinet that took up almost an entire wall. Despite the beauty of the room, it was cold as ice, and Devin shivered. 

She was wearing a simple brown dress and black socks, her hair a wild mess. She lifted her hands to adjust her hair-

And felt the wayward strands straightened out, curling themselves upward into an uncomfortably tight bun. A dark brown ribbon fluttered itself into her peripheral vision, tying itself around the bun in a sharp knot. 

Devin reached back to touch her hair. 

"Like it?" a silky voice purred. 

Devin spun. Olivina stood behind her, in a blue satin dress that covered her plump shape and a pair of black high heels. Her hair was pulled back in a bun, and long sparkling earrings twinkled on her ears. 

Devin summoned her courage, balling her fists beside her dress. "What am I doing here?"

'A white apron flew into her line of sight, wrapping itself in a knot behind her atop her brown skirt. Devin gritted her teeth. "I'm sick of your tricks. Tell me what's going on or I swear I'll go insane."

"Hmm." Olivina walked past her, shutting the blue curtains with a flick of her wand. "A few rules, my dear. You do not leave my side. You do as asked without fail. You-"

"What is this?" Devin demanded. She was fed up with all the lies and confusion. The only person who could take control over Devin's life was Devin.

Olivina frowned and twisted around briskly. She flicked her wand irritably. Devin's lips sealed themselves together. No matter how she tried, she couldn't pry them apart. "This, my dear, is your new job." Devin couldn't help backing away as she approached. Her breath reeked of peppermint. "And you do not speak unless spoken to."



Heath rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, trying desperately to stay awake. His hair must have been a hideous wreck, but there wasn't much he could do about it. His looks, however, seemed to be the least of his worries.

He was sitting inside an enormous blue glass ball. At least, it seemed enormous to him. In reality, Rumpelstiltskin had shruken him down to the size of a gumdrop and sealed him inside of the ball. Heath had kicked, hit, and smacked the glass for hours with no avail. But even if he got out, what could he do? He was too small to even get off the table.

So he'd waited. Tried to sleep, but simply couldn't. Sat awake, staring at the darkness of the room he was now confined to.

Rumpelstiltskin had sent him a dream vision the moment he'd sealed him inside the crystalline sphere. It had contained a lengthy list of rules and the knowledge that Heath was now Rumpelstiltskin's assistant. It was worse than he'd feared. He'd never get out. Personal assistants were kept for years. They were hard postitions to get-some said you had to be the best of villains, others said you must be the worst of troublemakers and you were in for tortures beyond utterance. Others said a palace was better than a dirty shack by a long shot, but Heath knew better.

When Midnight Strikes-Sequel to Rumpelstiltskin's Reign (An FTRS/RAR AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя