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The first day Daniel arrived it had been chaos. They'd had to drag him inside the building, he'd screamed and kicked at them to let him go. He'd yelled insultes, proved he was normal and still they wouldn't let him go.

"Cmon Kid. We'll help you." They said, they didn't look mad, only annoyed.

"How will locking me up against my fucking will make me better?" Daniel has snared and yelled back at them, fighting to get out of their grips. Sadly, they were much stronger than him and it failed and all he ended to do was to make one of their fingers move from his arms.

They had frowned and sighed, they dealt with this nearly everyday from different patients, "It will. We're not locking you-"

"Yes you are!" He'd yelled back, not giving them time to explain as he didn't want to give them a chance. Fuck them and fuck his mum and dad for sending him off with them. He didn't understand, he didn't think he ever would.

"We will help you get better."  They assured, not letting go of their harsh grip on his arms and wrists. Hard enough to leave bruises, they probably would. The blue eyed teenager didn't really give a shit about that right now, but they'd be sore in the future.

Who would when they were getting taken away from their home by 2 men who were larger than them? Just two hours ago he had been sitting in his living room watching tv. He hadn't noticed then, but something was different in the atmosphere. It felt full of tension and panic. His parents knew these men, they had called them. He didn't know for sure, but he had a sinking feeling that they had.

"You're fucking mental-" He didn't get to finish his sentence before a sharp pain entered his neck and his eyes rolled to the back off his head.

They'd injected him with something in his neck then, making him fall into a deep sleep. He fell right into the men's arm's and they dragged him to the car. The injection would knock him out for a good few hours at least.

The men pulled Daniel's sleeping form into the backseats of the car before driving off, never to go back to Daniels house.

When Daniel woke up he expected to be in his bed at home, but was quite shocked when he realised he was in a car on the backseat, 2 men were shaking his shoulders and telling him to wake up and that's when he remembered.

They'd taken him away from his home. The bastards!

"Where the fuck am I?" He shouted and they groaned again, getting tired of his behaviour.

"Your new home." They said before gesturing for him to get out of the car which he did with a grimace.

"Not my home." He mumbled.

"It is," They reassured before grabbing his wrists behind him and tying them with hand cuffs, "Keep walking straight up to that building."

"You said you'd help me right?" He questioned, his eyebrows raised.

"Well yes." They said with a shrug.

"Then why are you handcuffing me?"

They froze before sighing, "Well Daniel you seem pretty adamant that's there's nothing wrong with you-"

"There isn't." He interrupted, slowing down slightly and they edged him on to keep walking.

"Exactly. That's what's wrong with you, you think there's nothing wrong with you when there is." They told him and his eyebrows furrowed. Was there something wrong with him? After all his parents had sent him here. He thought his parents loved him. They did right?

His parents hadn't mentioned anything about what would happen today, not a thing. So when they'd told him to open the door earlier on, he complied without a second thought and didn't expect his parents to hug him and tell him goodbye with a kiss to his cheek and they'd also had the nerve to thank these men.

Escape| Donah & Dorbyn [mental asylum au)Where stories live. Discover now