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When Daniel eventually got to his room he put the key into the door and walked in. He noticed that it was average sized and painted white. Nearly everything was white, the bedding, the cabinets, the floor and as he walked through the over room in there that grabbed his attention, which he realised was the bathroom, that was as well.

He noticed a large wardrobe, that was also white, in the corner of the room and remembered that doctor tir had told him that he would have clothes that he would have to wear, so he opened it. Looking inside, there were clothes, but they were all the same. There was quite a lot of them as well. There was pyjamas too, he could tell as they were slightly different. They were made out of just fabric. They looked similar to the clothes, Blue T-shirt and jeans that were black. The pyjamas were the same colour, but different material.

On the T-shirt in the left corner at the top, in tiny, white writing it read 'you're gonna better' with a smiley face. Nearly everything said that.

He slipped into the pyjamas, putting his own clothes onto the side. He didn't know when he'd ever wear them ever again.

He frowned when he realised that the pyjamas were his size and fit him perfectly. He thought about it for a moment, if his parents had wanted him to go here, then they would have told them what size he wore. They had it all planned out.

The thought saddened him, struck him like a fist in the chest. They really had wanted him to be sent here, what else had they told these men? He just didn't understand. He was normal, he was sure of it. He didn't have any friends back home, so at least nobody was missing him.

He climbed into the bed, it was comfy, large, warm and smelled fresh. That was one thing that was good at least. He snuggled into the covers and thought about what had happened in only a couple hours time.

A few tears slid down his cheeks and before he knew it he was sobbing again. He felt pathetic, but soon he fell into a deep sleep.

It was soon the next morning, he didn't want to wake up. There was somebody knocking on the door. He frowned snuggling into the bed and closing his eyes again, the covers on his bed were warm and cozy. Then shit. It all hit him, he wasn't at home and he threw himself out of the bed as the knocking on the door increased.

He opened the door to an middle aged woman, with dyed bright red hair, quite short and had an angry look on her face.

She glared at him before speaking, "I will be showing you around today and there will be no inappropriate behaviour, understand?" She asked and he nodded.

"Now get dressed and hurry up. Don't keep me waiting." She told him stiffly and he rushed off back into the room.

He got the clothes out of the wardrobe as well as a pair of plain black shoes and hurried into the bathroom to get dressed. Once again, they fit perfectly. They actually looked quite good, except for the fact he knew that they were uniform for this place.

He brushed his teeth, washed his face and and made sure his hair looked okay. His reflection in the mirror was far from okay, his eyes were red from crying and he had purple circles under his eyes. His wrists were covered in bruises that had darkened over night and on the top of them he had that ugly, thick, too tight wristband that was glowing a vibrant white.

He heard the woman yelling, "Hurry up!" And he shuffled quickly out of the room, the door closing automatically as soon as he stepped out.

"Breakfast is at 7:15am, miss it and you won't be getting anything until lunchtime," She told him and he nodded before she continued, "The eating room is on the bottom floor, I'll show you to that right now."

She led him into a lift and they both got into it and pressed the button for the bottom floor. Yet again, he was drawn to the fact that were was over 20 floors. He wanted to ask, but decided against it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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