Chapter 1

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The day started like most days did in that past week. You were walking down the street with your college class from the U.S. You where taking a trip to the small city of Soho, England for some unspecified reason, unknown to everyone except for yourself. The collage had arranged a trip to the Bahamas but you found ways to convince them on a different location. As the class walked down the street, you spotted a book shop on the corner and felt a pull towards it. The shop wasn't the nicest looking, but something was telling you to go inside. Turing to your friend and adopted sister, Macy, you tapped her on the shoulder.

She looked at you with a puzzled expression but before she could even ask 'what' you said, "Cover for me." Then snuck into the shop before anyone else from the group noticed.

As you walked in, you noticed that there were hardly any people. But once you stepped further in, you sensed what had drawn me there. It was the presence of Good and Evil amongst the old and worn books, something that you had been looking for ever since arriving in Soho. You couldn't pin point where the auras where emanating from, so your most reasonable idea was to wander around the shop until you found it, or it found you.

Meanwhile, in the back room of the exact same shop. An Angel and Demon were having a very important conversation. Crowley had decided to come to Aziraphale's shop that day in order to talk about their next move. Heaven and Hell were at bay for the time being, but that wouldn't last long.

"So, Crowley, what exactly are you implying?" Aziraphale asked while sipping on the hot cocoa from his white angel mug that he adored so much.

"All I'm saying is that Heaven and Hell are going to come after both of us soon if we don't get out of town now. It's been four years! They're bound to find out about what we did sooner or later. They can be clever in their punishments when they need to be, and trust me, when they get their hands on use the torture is not going to be pleasant." Crowley explained as he paced, his footsteps dragging along the floor.

He stopped suddenly and looked at Aziraphale with a mixer of both puzzlement and suspicion. Apparently the angel had felt it too, because they both looked at each other with equal expressions. There was someone there in the shop that had a mixed aura. Not necessarily good, but not necessarily bad either. Humans had such aura's but they typically leaned one way or another. This one was split directly down the middle which was unnatural.

     Crowley and Azirpahale peeked out of the room in the back and saw that there where only three people looking around the shop. Two were talking about a book that was by the window. Though neither of them possessed the strange energy they were looking for. The other person however, was the one giving off the completely balanced vibe. She was a fairly normal looking American all things considered. But as they looked closer, they both could conclude that she was the one with the strange aura and not just some other hidden shopper.

"I'm going to investigate." Crowley said as he walked out of the room and hid behind a book shelf. One thing that Crowley was not good at, surprisingly was sneaking around small spaces.

You knew something was there, which only aggravated you more that you couldn't just see it. At that point your main goal was to get the attention of the good and or bad presences. You turned the corner to go on the next book shelf when you had the feeling you were being observed. You glanced behind you and saw a blur of black. Your heart dropped to your stomach like a rock hitting pavement. You knew right then and there what that blur was. It was one of the auras you had been looking for. Of course it had to be the bad one.

      You weren't going to confront them quite yet. Although there was no mistake that they where one of the people you were looking for, you still had to identify their intentions before the confrontation. So instead, you just keep circling the shop. Each time you turned a corner, so did they. After doing this for a while you was confident enough to confront them. You turned the next corner and went to the open most part of the shop. Once you were in the area, you turned around and saw who was following you.

You were quite shocked, but pleased at what you found. He was a tall man with very red hair, almost like it had been dyed that color. He was wearing what you could only describe as, a messy suit and sunglasses, even though the two of you were inside.

"Um." The man stammered. There was a look of embarrassment and realization on his face, but he soon hide it and replace it with a collected expression. As if he hadn't been following you around the shop for the past 10 minutes.

You looked up at him and pointed a finger into his chest. "Why are you following me?" You asked with your eyebrows furrowed.

The man returned the look. "I'm not following you." He lied. "You just so happened to be going in the same direction I was."

It was such an obvious lie it hurt, so you took the opportunity to call him out. With a low tone, as to not let the other customers hear, you replied. "Sure Demon. Whatever you say." The man's eyebrows shot above his glasses and he jaw dropped only momentarily before he caught himself.

     He's voice was low as his expression came back to that of a defensive one.

"What did you just say?" He asked, the slight fear eminent in his voice. You could tell he wasn't expecting to actually be exposed when he had started stalking you.

"You know exactly what I said. Listen, before you say anything, I came here for a reason and it was to find you two." You explained quickly before lifting your jacket sleeve to reveal a tattoo . This tattoo wasn't exactly something you had gotten willingly, but more like something you were given. By the almighty upstairs. God.

Word count: 1084

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