Chapter 3

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I walked into the building and snuck upstairs. The floors creaked under my feet and instead of painstaking creeping up the stairs, I sprinted up to my room at the end of the hall. When I got there, Macy was there to great me with a worried expression on her face.

"Where have you been?" She whisper shouted. Macy was one of my closest friends. Especially since her family took me in, and the only other person that knew what I was. You see, no mortal was supposed to know what I was, but Macy walked in on me miracle healing my leg after a bad motorcycle accident, and naturally she had questions. Instead of  wiped her memory, I realized I also wanted to have someone who could help me in situations like these. There were still things that I tried to keep Macy out of, and meeting those celestials in the shop was one of those things.

"I saw a book shop and couldn't resist going in. You know me." I said with a guilty grin. It was true that I had a deep love for books so it wasn't that far from the truth.

Macy gave me a playful glare and then shrugged. "Can't say I blame you." She said, then walked over to her bed and sat down. "I'm kinda sad about leaving, but I can't wait to see the family again. Aren't you?" She said to me expectantly, but I had already climbed into bed still fully clothed and was letting sleep take me. Unlike most Angels, I actually required sleep, I was the Angel of Humanity after all. Miss. Parker come to check on us that night, but no one even noticed because everyone was fast asleep before then. There was one girl missing but everyone in the morning knew where she had gone. She wouldn't shut her mouth about it.

"Oh he was so cute! When I saw him in the bar we truly hit it off." She explained as we where all gathered in the halls of the hotel. This girl was one of Macy's close friends and I had no clue why. "Then we went back to his place and had sex. He was so good too, not going to lie." I cringed at that statement. Personally, I hated when people openly talked about stuff like that. My gaze drifted down the hall at Macy and Aric. Aric was Macy's boyfriend and they had been together for five years. It was only a matter of time before he proposed to her.

"Everyone gathered around. I need to count you all to make sure we have everyone." Miss. Parker's voice rang out. She was an older woman, but she had quite the interesting personality. She was the teacher you heard so much about, and hated having. Macy and Aric walked over to me with puzzled expressions.

"What's wrong (y/n). You look like your going to murder someone with that glare of yours." Aric observed. Macy wrapped an arm around my neck and gave me a warm smiled.

"What? Are you sad about leaving your dream home?" Another thing Macy knew about me that this was, in fact, my dream home. And not just because I now knew Crowley and Azirpahale where there. Soho also had delicious food and beautiful architecture. So ya, I was a little bummed about going back to America and it's standard living.

"Heh, You know me so well." I said in a monotone voice.

Miss. Parker's voice rang out again. "Ok class! Let's get walking!"

That was the sucky part about the trip. We had walked everywhere. The airport we had to go to was 14 miles away, so we had to find a bus to take us. As the class and I waited at a bus stop, it was a surprise to me when a 1926 black Bently parked near us. Crowley got out of the car and walked over to me with very intense eye contact.

As he walked over, Macy looked over at me with confusion on her face. "Do you know him?" She asked.

"Yes. I do." I said as he approached. He had a book and a small box in his hands. This puzzled me, but not as much as it puzzled Macy.

"(y/n), there you are." Crowley said as he approached the two of us. "Azirpahale said you might be here." He said once he was closer. He glanced at Macy then back at me. "Is there any where more private we can talk?" He asked as Macy gave him a death glare. I looked to Crowley then back to Macy.  I quickly glanced over to Miss. Parker before recognizing that she wasn't paying attention to me. I turned back to Crowley and gave him a side smile before addressing Macy.

"I'll be right back." I said and started to walk off.

But Macy didn't let me go that easily, and she tightly grabbed my wrist. "(y/n), you don't know this man all that well. Are you sure it's safe?" Macy said with concern eminent in her voice. I gave her a sympathetic look. Even though Macy knew I could take care of myself in a fight. She was still concerned for her immortal adopted sister.

"It will be fine Macy." I said gently taking my wrist back. "I'll be right back, and in one piece. Aric can protect you in the mean time." I jokingly said with a wink.

Macy gave a nervous grin. "Alright. I trust you." She said then went to go wait with Aric. I turned around and followed Crowley to a phone booth that was close by. Once we where there and saw that no one was paying attention to us, I looked down at the items Crowley had in his hands.

He followed my gaze and then looked at me. "Oh. Yes. Um." He stammered. I could tell he was uncomfortable, but couldn't pin point why. So I waited for him to get his words out. It was honestly kind of cute when he was flustered. It made him seem more human. Crowley took a deep breath and handed me the book and box. I took them and examined them individually. As I looked them over. He gathered his words. "Azirpahale told me to give you the book. I have no clue what's in it. I don't like reading." He said while I exam the book.

It had a lock of sorts and the key tied to the spine. The book itself was pure white and leather bound. It wasn't a fake leather but I knew it wasn't from any animal on earth. It was soft to hold and I could tell the pages where hand cut.

My gaze then turned to the box. It was covered in black velvet and resembled one of those box's they give out after buying an engagement rings. My curiosity got the best of me, and I lifted open the lid. It was puzzling to say the least, but what was inside was even more so.

Word count: 1191

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