[C.32] In Love

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• 𝐉 𝐔 𝐍 𝐆 𝐊 𝐎 𝐎 𝐊 ' 𝐒  𝐏. 𝐎. 𝐕 •

"Hey hyung! You brought my snacks?"

Instead of greeting Jimin hyung I immediately asked him for my snacks as soon as he entered our dorm which was shared by Taehyung-hyung, him, and me, while our four other hyungs share the room across us.

My voice seemed to snap him out of his reverie as he turned his head towards me with a confused and dazed face.

The hell is wrong with him?


"Why were you smiling? And I said did you bring my snacks?" I repeated.

"Oh," He paused. "Nope."

"What! Why?" I looked at him with disbelief etched on my face. This hyung really, does he not see that I'm dying from hunger here?

"Sorry, I got distracted along the way," He murmured. "By the new girl Park Chaeyoung."

"What?" I didn't catch the last part as it was barely even a whisper.


"He said he got distracted by Park Chaeyoung, one of the new girls." Taehyung hyung casually said after going out of his room.

A teasing grin made its way to my face when I realized what hyung was implying.

"Screw you and your enhanced senses." Jimin hyung scowled as he plopped down the couch while covering his face with his tiny hands.

"Damn feelings," He murmured. "Never did I understand it even just once."

This is new, usually Jimin hyung doesen't give that much of a damn with the girls he wanted to flirt with, what's with this new girl that made him like this?

As he said that sentence though, mind somehow drifted to the face of a smiling girl, specifically named. . .

"Oh, someone's in love aye?" Out of nowhere, Namjoon hyung wiggled his eyebrows as he sat next to a still confused Jimin.

"You like her Kook?" He nonchalantly said which took me by surprise, I genuinely thought he was talking to Jimin hyung.

Shit, I forgot he can read minds, ugh! I know I can't escape their teasing now.

"Who?" Jin hyung said as he entered our dorm with Hoseok hyung and Yoongi hyung behind him, what are they doing in our dorm? They have their own for pete's sake!

"I doubt the fact that he'll take her seriously though, whoever that unlucky girl is, she'll just be one of his toys as usual," Yoongi hyung joined, really? "I pity her to be honest."

"Yeah, because the last time this brat took someone seriously was when homo sapiens still roamed the earth."

"You guys talk like I'm a playboy." I scoffed unsurely.

"You are." They all said in sync. Well yeah maybe.

"Whatever, but with her, I don't know." I can feel their eyes on me, specifically Namjoon and Yoongi hyung's, their eyes contained amusement.

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