Chapter 1

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"So class, the deadline for submitting ideas for the school's annual charity fundraiser was yesterday and all of the suggestions have been read and listed on these sheets. I'm going to hand one to everybody. Just mark the box next to the suggestion that you think is the best and at the end of the school day, the winning event will be announced."

Miss Bustier walked through the center aisle and distributed the papers, making sure that every student received one. Marinette smiled as she got hers and quickly scanned the list. There were some alright suggestions, but the second to last one caught her attention the most.

The words 'Maid Cafe' stood out to her and she smiled more before putting a check in the box next to that suggestion. She turned the paper in along with everyone else and Miss Bustier put them all in an envelope before beginning her lesson. The rest of the day flew by quickly and before Marinette realized it, the school day was nearly finished. She looked up as the intercom suddenly buzzed to life and Mr. Damocles's voice was heard.

"Attention students, all of the votes for the school's fundraiser have been counted and the winner by a wide margin is Maid Cafe. Thanks to everyone for voting. Information about the event can be found on the school's bulletin board."

The intercom turned off and Marinette smiled, pleased that the idea she voted for was the winner. As she was lost in thought, the bell rang and she left the classroom before making her way to the school's bulletin board. There were a few papers tacked up about the fundraiser event which would be held the next day. One of them said that they needed eight maids for the event and there was a completely empty list where volunteers could write their names down.

While looking over the paper, Marinette heard footsteps and turned around to see her friends approaching the board. She moved over so they could all see. Mylène read over the paper saying that they needed maids and the short girl smiled before grabbing a pen and writing her name down. One by one, Mylène, Rose, Juleka, and Alya all wrote their names down. After they did, they started persuading Marinette to volunteer as well so they could all work at the event together. Marinette hesitantly agreed and wrote her name down as well.

After she did, Marinette looked at the three remaining spots and decided to find people to sign up. She pulled out her phone and sent a quick text to Kagami to see if she would like to sign up. The brazen girl quickly replied and let Marinette know that she would indeed be interested in signing up. Marinette smiled once she read the response.

One down, two to go. Marinette soon spotted Kim walking nearby and stopped him. She asked him to text his girlfriend Ondine to see if she would be interested. He did and Ondine quickly agreed to volunteer. Marinette grinned and thanked him. He smiled and jokingly saluted before making his way to swim class.

Marinette then began leaving school with all of the other students who were no doubt ready to escape and do whatever they wanted for the rest of the day. As she was walking, she thought about all of the girls she knew but was drawing blanks on who to ask to fill in the last spot. Suddenly, she spotted a bright red hoodie and dark hair. She easily made her way through the flood of students going through the hallway and raised an arm.


Marinette tried getting the shy boy's attention. Marc looked around, trying to see where the voice was coming from before spotting the blue-eyed girl. He smiled and met her halfway.

"Hey, Marinette."

The dark-haired boy greeted her kindly. Marinette returned the smile and walked with him out of school. Once outside, Marinette stopped walking and Marc did as well. He noticed that she was lost in thought and looked at her curiously.

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