Love is all you need

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"Wait up, ________!" You turn around as you were running up a hill. Your (h/c) hair flowed as the wind gently blew it through your scalp. You smile at Edward, who was panting from chasing after you.

"Oh come on! I thought you were more fit than that!" It had been 2 years since Edward and Alphonse had got their full bodies back. 

"Well it's been a while since I did a lot of activity!" Edward had met you way before he regained his full body. From childhood, you were always there for him, and he was always there for you. You, Winry, Alphonse and Edward were inseparable. It had hurt a lot when you found out what had happened to him as a child. Human transmutation was a sin, and you having studied transmutation ever since you were a child, were shocked by the event.

"Come on Edward! I found the perfect spot!" You stayed with him through it all though. You always believed that one day he would get his body back, and you had waited for him, for that day to come.

You had always loved him from day one.

You looked back, finding that Edward was not there. "Hey Ed! Where did you go? Don't tell me you collapsed already!" You shrieked to find Edward lifting you up from behind bridal style and spinning you around. "God! Don't scare me like that, Edward." You made a pouty face at him.

Edward smiled and kissed you gently. "I'm sorry ______. I promise I won't scare you again." On the day he got his body back, you confessed your love to him, and in return, he confessed back to you, creating a budding romance between the two of you.

"I found a great spot right over there!" You point to your right, where a single cherry blossom tree stood on the tip of the hill. The sunset peered behind the tree, as the sky began to turn orange.

"Alright then." Edward carried you to the spot you've chosen. You looked at his face as he walked. His luscious golden hair swept through the breeze. He had a warm smile on his face, the one he always had on when he was with you. You snuggled closer to him. He felt so warm, so lovely. You didn't think there could be anyone else but him.

Edward set you down on the grass. It was the best spot to have a perfect picnic, just the two of you, which Edward had planned.

You looked upward at Edward. "Well I see you're still short as ever." You giggle at the thought, even though he had grown quite a bit since 2 years ago.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A SHORTSTACK!" Edward yelled. You laugh at the comment. 

"Ah still the same old Edward, huh? I guess things never change." 

"Oh, yeah? Well you're still childish as ever ______. You can't make fun of my height anymore. I've outgrown you!" You giggle. You realized you were both still children at heart.

"So what have you got packed?" you asked. Edward pulls out a thermos of stew, still hot and fresh. "Of course, how could I not have known?" You roll your eyes and smile.

"Stew is the ultimate food! I mean there's milk in it and it still tastes good!" He pours the stew into two bowls and hands one to you. 

You stare at your bowl of stew, and memories come rushing back to you of all the times you ate dinner with Edward. You hoped that a million more will come.

-------~~TIME SKIP~~---------

After you and Ed finished your picnic, you laid on the grass, snuggling up with Edward, taking in the fresh air and warm spring breeze. 

"Hey _________?" Edward started. You looked up at him. He was staring off into the horizon. "Remember when we were little and we'd sit outside looking at the stars at night?"

Love is all you need [Edward Elric x Reader oneshot]Where stories live. Discover now