Their Feelings

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She was sitting on her roof, staring at the moon, watching how the stars twinkled beside it, she loved to stare at the night sky, it made her feel calm. It made her feel as if there was nothing wrong with her, with the world. But, she was wrong, she knew the world was hurting, she knew she was hurting. She thought she wasn't good enough, her father clarified it for her, ever since she could walk, he would point out her flaws. She feels alone in the world, she beats her self up about showing emotions, she's an ANBU member and she takes her job serious. She says she hates him, she won't admit the truth to anyone, noy even herself. She feels weak. She tried bringing him back 4 times already, the 4th time she decided to give up, but she would do anything for her bestfriend Naruto.

He was sitting in the window sill of a little hotel. He was staring at the moon. He didn't like staring at the moon, but she did, that's the only reason he did. He didn't like to watch the moon because it told him lies, it made him feel as if everything was alright but nothing is alright. He was a wanted criminal now. It's been 3 years without her, but the memories are still fresh in his mind. Every night that they were together, she'd take him on the roof and tell him how it made her feel. She told him that if 2 people are looking at the moon at the same time, then they could speak to eachother.

"I want you to know, nothing is your fault, I did this on my own account. I hope you'll wait for me, I promise you I'm gonna come back for you. I love you Y/N."he whispered to the moon in hopes that what she had told him was true, that she can hear him. "I can't believe you did this to us. I hate you Sasuke."she whispered, tears forming in her eyes. She blinked them away and said "Maybe someday he'll learn." The girl pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. She stared at the moon a little more before her eyelids felt heavy, then she fell asleep, in top of her roof.

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