[ Jschlatt ] The Final Rise

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OKAY, funny story!
So as I was studying for my english exam, I googled random prompt ideas and started writing, and so the prompt I got was "The Sun rose for the Final Time" 

So as I finished the outcome (around 180 words), I realised that I actually genuinely think its not that bad, so I decided to re-write it on wattpad. So keep in mind, this is absolutely a COMPELTELY RANDOM ONESHOT (lmAO)-- but I thought the concept was cool so yea. Tell me if I should do a sequel/prequel to this oneshot??

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If The Sun Rose for the Final Time

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Hi. My name is Jebediah Schlatt. I'm a 19 year old former businessman, who strived to some day own a company that would earn millions of dollars. You must be wondering why a 19 year old businessman is writing in some shitty journal. That's because I'm going to die.

You know the old saying to 'never worry, as the sun will always rise again tomorrow'? (Or something like that). And after hearing that, you'd stop having a panic attack and your worries would crumble away? Yeah, I feel that. Or, well, should I say; I used to feel that. Because here I am today, sitting and dangling my legs over the ledge of the roof to my house, writing in this blue and white glittery journal to pass time since the sun actually hasn't risen. 

You'd never think that the sun would actually stop rising. Sure, the idea may had crossed your mind a few times as a kid- but kids can grow, and so do stupid and immature thoughts and ideas.

But there was no way that you'd actually thought you would ever witness and see it happen with your own eyes. It was completely impossible that you'd ever live through the day when the sun would stop rising.

No one had believed AntVenom when he said that he heard the scientists conclude that the sun would rise for its last time. And neither did I, because let's admit it who would believe anything that guy says?

But that is, until now, since I'm actually sitting here watching it happen. 

It's been a whole 48 hours, and all I've done was grab a backpack full of food and supplies and sit down on the rooftop, watching the forever-night-sky. I hadn't had the motivation to do anything but eat, sleep and just sit there in my own thoughts. 

The others were probably looking for me. I wouldn't be surprised if they all died by now. I had considered getting down and try look for my friends, but I figured what was the point?

I shuddered at the thought of slowly decomposing and withering in this eternal darkness, all alone with nothing to save me. What were we supposed to do now that the sun really was gone?

I closed my eyes and put down my journal, as I laid back down on the roof.
I closed my eyes and I waited.

For what, exactly? I do not know.

And my last thought I ever had was if I would ever be able to see the light again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2019 ⏰

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