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Dear Mom,

It's with great regret that I'm writing to you but I had run away with my girlfriend because I wanted to avoid a scene wih you and Dad. I am really passionate about her and she is a very pretty girl with her dimple cheeks, sweet eyes and nice character. Don't worry Mom, I'm 21 years old now and know how to take care of myself. Someday we'll come to visit so that you can get to know your grandchildren.

Just one ast thing, none of the above it true! I'm at our neighhbor's house! I just wanted to remind you that there are worst things in life than the exam results in my desk. Call me when the house it's safe for me to come home.

Love you Maa.. :)


                                                         This guy should get an award.


Hey lovelies!!!!!!!!

How are y'all?

Ok so I am taking a brake from the inspiring quotes and choose to put this up. I thought is was funny as the underworld (hxxl)

Hope y'all like this 

As always please





THankxxx for reading and BYE!!!!!!!

Words I Find AnywhereTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang