Chapter 1 "Fight"

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I live on a street at the corner of my city. It's not on most maps, and not many people live here. A dead street one could say. However, there's a bar, at the end of the street, a place many would call home. It's named "The Gifted Juvenile Company," we call it "Juvenile Co." for short. The building has been here ever since I was a little girl, but I never thought that it would be relevant to me in my early twenties. It's only still in business because the same people come there every night for a drink, me being one of them. I'd say we are like a family but it's hard for me to get close with people because of my job. I'm only close with my partner and bosses, but even though I can't get too close to the bar attendees, I always watch them. There is one girl I've had my eye on. I caught her after she had finished working. I thought her character was interesting, and so I introduced myself.

"I see you here a lot." I started, "Is this your main job?" I was nervous, I hardly ever interact with people unless it is for work. "Hm..?" The tall blonde turned to me. "Sorry ma'am, I just finished my hours, I'm off right now, I'll be here same time tomorrow." She smiled back to me. Her answer caught me off guard, "Oh no.. I don't want to uhm... I just want to talk, nothing more." She probably thought I was trying to do a hookup, considering that she is a sex worker here. She took the hint from my body language. "Oh I'm sorry, I just assumed..." she apologized, still packing up her stuff. "It's okay-" I interrupted, "My name is Maki Harukawa, sorry.. We definitely got off on the wrong foot." "Miu Iruma" she added, "It's nice to meet you, but I do have to go." She smiled again and left the bar at that. Mysterious, but I shouldn't read into it. That was our first official conversation.

For the next few days I watched her, waving when I got the chance, but as I watched the stage more, another person caught my eye, or group I should say. There is a two person band that performs often here. They are pretty good, but from what I can tell, they don't get gigs very often. I decided to read into them more. In the group there is a blonde girl, who I can only assume is the leader. Her outfits often consist of pink sweaters and skirts. Then there is a green haired man, who I can only assume doesn't want to be here. He has more of a skater boy aesthetic. There also is a man that follows them, who seems to be the blonde's boyfriend. I recognize him. He's one of the new detectives that work here. I see him around a lot, but I don't think he's making much money yet. His body language suggests that he doesn't want to be apart of the relationship. From what I can gather, he must be the blondes source of income. That kind of thing happens a lot around here. But I noticed that this detective is constantly eyeing someone else.

Kokichi Ouma. A famous name in this city. He's the only one around with money, and is simultaneously the reason everyone else got none. A gambler at his finest. He's good at his act, yet people still challenge him. I never understood. I guess if you have a brain like mine, it's easy to see through his lies and cheats, but people still think there's a chance that they can win against him. I assumed this detective was looking at Kokichi to try and win bribe him to get some money, but he had different intentions. This is the kind of thing that I can't make up. I'll never forget what I saw that night.

I was hanging with Miu after her hours, we were just messing around, bought us a few drinks but nothing crazy. I noticed that the iconic band was setting up on stage. I turn to Miu "What do you know about these guys?" I asked her. " That's Kaede, Rantaro and Shuichi, they're new here." She pointed as she answered. "What do you know about Shuichi and Kokichi? They are always exchanging looks." "Not much.." she sighed, "But when Kaede isn't around, they sneak off to my changing room, fuckin' creeps!" She seemed upset, so I didn't want to add another comment, but her input helped me figure out what was going down.

The music started up, Kaede on electric piano, singing, Rantaro on the drums. A strange combo but they made it work. I watched closely, Shuichi made a signal. I expected them to go to Miu's room like she said but that didn't happen. Kokichi lured him to the back corner of the bar. Shuichi seemed panicked but trusting. I alerted Miu and we watched closely. The bar was pretty full tonight, but why would they make such a risky move? "They must not be doing what we thought." Miu looked disappointed almost. "Yeah.." I added. "There's no way he could do anything in front of his girlfriend like this." We both dropped it and just carried on with our night.

It wasn't long before chaos came. A blood curdling scream arose from the stage that shook the floor The bar fell silent. Kaede through her keyboard across the stage. Me and Miu were bug eyed, staring at each other. She jumped off the stage, taking the mic with her.

"SHUICHI? WHAT THE FUCK?" She yelled over and over again. Miu and I stood up to see what was going on, but everyone else laid low. Kaede stomped back to where Shuichi and Kokichi were. There was no way to hide the fact that Shuichi was obviously cheating. He panicked "Kaede.. It's not .. trust me baby . I" Kaede groaned "It's not WHAT? Tell me Shu what is it NOT? You're telling me that you back here grinding on him, with his hand down your pants was NOTHING?" She looked as if her head was going to pop off. She then focused on Kokichi. "YOU SLIMY RAT!! What are you doing with my boyfriend?!" He laughed, "Well Kayayday," He mocked "I told your boyfriend here that I'd give him fifty bucks for a quick fuck every night!" His smile was mischievous. "You most certainly need the money, and plus I think he's hot so it's a win win!" At this point, Kaede had lost it, and that's when everything went wrong.

She took one swing. One swing at Kokichi with the cold metal microphone. He couldn't even resist, he was knocked out cold, but she wasn't strong enough to kill him. . The bar was in a panic. Kaede lay on the floor. Her hands were covered with blood, tears streaming down her face, but no sound was coming out. Soon enough the cops came. Miu and I booked it while no one was watching, we didn't want to get involved. It's safe to say that that would be the last time she would be performing here. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2019 ⏰

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