Chapter 1

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  Ian’s Pov

I woke up with an excruciating pain in my head and my foot hurting like hell. “Can he just stop already” I thought in my head as I got up to face another day in the hell hole I call school. I quickly took a shower then brushed my teeth and hair in its natural bowl shape. I threw on the first pair of jeans and shirt I found then put on my sweatshirt. I slowly walked down the stairs due to my foot an grabbed a apple from the counter. “Ready for school honey?” my mom asked politely. “Yes” I answered lazily. If she only knew what happened at school everyday. My mom also doesnt know I’m gay because when my brother came out to her, she called him a disgrace and kicked him out. So I’ve kept it to myself. I realized I was late for school and panicked. “Bye mom” I said quickly as I grabbed my bag and ran through the door to my car.

  I parked my car and ran into the school to my first class which was math. I don’t have any friends so I usually sit in the back corner with my hood up. “I heard there is a new kid coming in” “He better be cute and strait” I heard around me before the teacher Mrs. Brown started talking. “Welcome class. Today we have a new student. Why don’t you introduce yourself to the class”. “Um, my name is Anthony” the new kid said. He had a voice of an angel. It was deep and smooth at the same time. When I looked up I saw the most attractive guy I have ever seen. He had dark emo styled hair and the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes. But he is probably strait anyways.  “Why don’t you sit next to Ian”. Mrs. Brown said pointing to me. Inside I was exploding. But on the outside I just looked away. Anthony walked over and took the seat next to me. “Hi. My name is Anthony”. He said. He is actually talking to me. “H-Hi” I said nervously. He smiled that cute smile of his and faced back to the teacher.

 I was walking to my next class hoping Anthony was in there. I got knocked out of my thoughts when I felt two pairs of hands push me against the lockers. “Where do you think you’re going, faggot” said my bully, Seann. “P-please” I stuttered hoping not to be beaten up. “Ha. You really think im going to just let you go?” he said as I took blows to the stomach. “Ha, you’re such a wimp” said Seann as he stepped on my stomach one last time and walked away. I was in so much pain I could not move. I looked up to see Anthony with sorrow eyes just as a kid (I’m guessing his friend) pulled him away.

 Anthony’s Pov.

 I Just stood there as I saw that Ian kid laying on the floor In pain. I may or my not have a small crush on him already. I mean who couldn’t? His perfectly styled hair and his Beautiful Blue eyes. Just as I was about to go and help him, my new friend Tanner pulled me away.

Ian’s Pov

 I slowly got up and limped to the bathroom. I looked myself in the mirror. “I look so ugly” “No wonder everyone hates me” I thought. I never even thought of hurting myself in any way. “Maybe the pain will go away” I thought. No. I’m going crazy. The rest of the day went pretty fast. I had all classes with Anthony but Music and science. Which is amazing. I drove home and decided to skip dinner. I did my Ela homework (which was a pain in the ass) and got changed into sweats. I fell asleep thinking of one person in particular. Anthony.

 Anthony’s Pov

 Tanner drove me home because I didn’t have a car. I can’t believe I have almost all of my classes with Ian. Ahh, Ian. I did my Ela homework and changed into my boxers, brushed my teeth, and got into bed. Thinking of one person, Ian.

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