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P.E. is the absolute worst. Having to change from normal clothing to a T-shirt and shorts in under 5 minutes, having to play sports and getting hit in the face with ball, running a mile under the hot steaming sun, I cant wait until I wont have to do P.E. any more. I just finished dressing back into my normal clothes after a long hour of P.E. I had to wait a bit for the bell to go to our next "period". In my case, it was lunch.

Today, there was an "event"going on in the middle of the quad, A high school marching band came here to recruit members. The color guard was doing a flag routine while the drum line was playing.

I was walking towards the lunch line when my friends started waving at me and signaling me to come over.

"Did you see the color guard? They look so cool!" Brook exclaimed.

"I mean, I guess" I replied.

"Aww, come on! Dont be such a party pooper, ari," Haren stated

"Yeah, ari!" Brook jumped in, "When I get to highschool, I'm going to join color guard!"

Brook, Haren and I have been friends ever since elementary school. We met one day when I tripped and fell over while running through the grass during recess. I had bumped into 2 other kids who were near by and I brought them down with me. I immediately stood up and apologized as I tried to help them off the ground. They just started laughing, I as well. Ever since then, we just started playing together during recess and became best friends. Too bad they were going to go to a different high school than I was. As brook was trying to mimic the guard, I got my lunch and sat at a table. I was about to take a bite of my pizza when a marching band member came up to me with a clipboard and a paper.

"Hello, as you can see, I am from the marching band. We trying to recruit members so that our program will grow!" She stated.

"Sorry, I'm not interested"

"Are you sure? It will be your 7th period so It wont interfere with your school schedule! And it will count as your performance arts credit and your P.E. credit!"

"Wait, hold on a minute, did you say it counts as P.E. credit?!" I asked.

She nodded

I took a moment to think. In high school, you are required to take specific classes in order to graduate. The requirement for P.E is 2 years. If I take marching band instead of regular P.E. I'll avoid running the mile, changing, and getting hit in the face!

"Yeah! I wanna join!" I finally replied

"Alrighty then! Just sign your name and contact info on this sheet if you are interested!"

I happily signed the sheet and she walked away.

My friends came over with their lunch and sat next to me.

"Marching band, huh? So you're joining?" Haren asked

"Yes, yes I am" I responded

I mean, its marching band, how bad could it be ?

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