[Chapter 1] Happy Birthday, Mikasa

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[It's Mikasas birthday, despite all the crap and chores they endured throughout their long day, Eren wants to make everything better with a special gift for her at the end of it~]

On February 20th, 20 years ago today, Mikasa Ackerman was born. Her parents, Mr and Mrs Ackerman loved her dearly with all their hearts. Her Father cherished her, she was a smaller version of her Mother and he had always come to adore that about her.

After everything that had happened, the death of her parents, getting taken from her blood-stained family home, the fall of Wall Maria, followed by the death of her Adoptive parents afterwards, it was needless to say she had gained some scars, mental and physical ones, along with the way. The military was never as difficult as losing her family, her home. And Mikasa had always excelled in everything she needed to so. And Sure, she had gained battle scars from fighting, and yes, she had almost lost Eren once or twice, but if she could keep protecting him with her life, then she would. She owed him her life.

As much as it frustrated Eren to no end that she was better than him in everything, it only pushed him further to improve himself and make himself better in everything; Fighting, skill in 3DMG, logical planning and everything else. But to add slight insult to injury, Mikasa was, of course, older than him by roughly a month. As if he could get even the smallest break from the perfected warrior that was his childhood friend. Not to mention her height, she was just no taller than he was. But she did weigh more than he did. However, that was most likely just muscle mass, he was certain.

Eren and Mikasa, just like everyone else, had a secret, one they had since they turned 18. They agreed not to tell anyone apart from Armin, he was the always the exception. They were afraid, something unusual for the couple, of how people would take the truth. That Mikasa was Erens and that Eren was hers. That they were together. They would probably be deemed as outcasts, an adoptive Brother and Sister being in a relationship like that. A relatively close one. They thought people started to talk and piece everything together, and in situations like that, Eren had to fake a fight. A relatively bad one. Since they knew Mikasa would never be the one to do that, Eren would have to occasionally go all out, headbutt her, same doors- Much to Captain Levis annoyance -and always get a little personal. He hated having to live like that. Nights like that lead to making up in different ways, Eren always felt guilty anytime he was forced to resort to that... And while Mikasa understood, since it was the preferred strategy they agreed to carry out if the situation called for it, that didn't mean it didn't wear her out. She knew he didn't mean it, and that was all that mattered. Eren just wished they would leave them alone, he wanted to keep being close to her throughout today of all days. It was lucky enough they had nothing but cleaning to do today. They didn't have training, the Scouts weren't planning an expedition till next month.

It was a good day.

Or would have been.

"Geez, Mikasas really clinging to you today, Eren. What? Don't you understand that you can't be a Suicidal Bastard all the time yet? No wonder she has to save your ungrateful ass all the time..." Jean rolled his eyes, a bored and irritated expression on his face

They had finished their cleaning and were all seated in the dining hall, eating the last of their food before they would retire for the night. Eren clenched his jaw slightly, Mikasas hand giving his a reassuring squeeze under the table as their fingers entwined together, cool porcelain skin against warmed and tanned. It was always obvious of their close proximity, anyone could see that, just as it was always obvious that Horseface wanted her the way he secretly already had her. Erens only regret was not realising his own feelings that had always been there for the dark haired female sooner. Eren never liked that one bit, even before they started dating. The fact that he knew Jean was only interested in her for her unique appearance. Asians were always eye candy for people and always had been since they became a rarity, that being the very reason Mikasa was almost sold off to some creep who would have their way with her young body every and anytime they wanted, the very thing that almost killed her along with her parents... and the thought of that made the young German boys blood boil. Eren never cared for appearances, they were unimportant. It was your heart that counted, your personality. When Eren first laid eyes on her... She was bound and helpless, lifeless... And he wanted nothing more than to save the defenceless 9-year-old girl at his feet. However, Eren would be lying if he said he didn't find her attractive. Her dark hair contrasting beautifully with her pale skin, her dark eyes, everything about her always made his heart beat a little faster. And with time came ageing, she only looked more perfect with each year that passed. She turned 20 today, and Eren was close to following after her a month later in March. They would be exactly a month apart if it wasn't for the slight 10-day gap. Mikasas birthday being on the 20th and Erens being the 30th.

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