Desired Changes to DR

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I'm changing some things in my Dr.

-The Earth is free of pollution

-The earth is free of pollution of all sorts

-The earth is clean and beautiful

-The world is free of terrorist groups

-The world is free of discrimination of any type

-The world is free of racism of all sorts

-Every race is appreciated and accepted

-Every relationship is respected

-The world is free of child pornography

The world is free of child marriages

-The world is free of secret cults

-The world is free of child sacrifices

-The world is free of animal poaching

The world is free of animal abuse

-All animals that are endangered are no longer endangered

The world is free of hate crimes

The world is free of protests

The earth is clean

The earth is free of water pollution

All freshwater is clean and drinkable

The earth is peaceful

All cities, towns, and villages are clean and safe

Homelessness doesn't exist

The world is free of rape

Children are safe from pedophilles

Poverty doesn't exist

Overpopulation doesn't exist

The air is clean

The ocean is clear of pollution

Wildlife are kept in safe conservatories

The United States are free from debt

Every country is debt free

Cars don't create pollution

Wildlife is respected by humans

Communist countries don't exist

Countries hit by natural disasters get aid from others

Wars don't exist 

The world is free of gangs

All endangered birds are no longer endangered

The number of trees in the world has increased by 10%

The Amazon Rainforest is fully restored

All vehicles are free of pollution

India is free of pollution completely

India's air is always clean

Chernobyl is clear of nuclear radiation

Scientists have found a way to dispose trash safely and effectively.

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