Discussion Forum

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Welcome to the discussion forum for Players of the Game! Nothing with be added to Chapter 7 as I have previously stated before. I lost everything I had written for the rest of the chapter so instead the story will just continue in chapter 8. But I want to know what you guys think for he story so far.

What are your favorite storylines?

What are your favorite ships/couples so far?

Does anyone have any theories on anything that is happening in the story?

Do you guys think Roman is catching into Charlotte's games? When will she finally do something that makes him stand his ground?

Do you think Carmella should trust Randy or is she right not to believe him?

Is Miz going to get himself into trouble with Alexa? Why hasn't he told her that he is married yet?

What do you guys think of the introduction of Sami and Bayley to the story?

Are there any characters you want to see added?

What are your thoughts in a potential Darby Allen/Bayley ship or Darby Allen/Aj Lee ship?

Do you guys have any thoughts on who N6 might be?

If you guys have any questions I am more than happy to answer them. I'm also open to any requests you might have regarding new characters and ships. Feel free to chat amongst yourselves about the story and thanks again for reading the story!

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