Chapter 8: The Prodical Daughter Returns

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The next morning in Allensdale, Bayley joined Hunter at his safe house for breakfast. As usual, the house was heavily guarded. Darby Allen sat at the counter and worked on his laptop while Hunter and Bayley ate out on the patio. Darby couldn't help but occasionally glance out at Bayley.

"So how is your mother doing?" Hunter asked.

"You have a phone, don't you? Call her." Bayley said.

Hunter let out a small laugh.

"I see you still have your mother's quick wittedness." Hunter said.

Bayley glanced over at Hunter and let out a sigh.

"Does Finn have a target on his back with N6?" Bayley asked.

Hunter thought to himself for a moment.

"If he drops that story then no, he shouldn't have a problem." Hunter said.

"I'm not so sure he's going to do that." Bayley said.

"Bayley-." Hunter began to say.

"He's my best friend, Hunter. If he wants to publish that story then that's what he's going to do. If anyone tries to come after him, including N6, then they'll have to go through me." Bayley told him sternly.

Before Hunter could say anything, Seth approached.

"That has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard." Seth said in disapproval.

Bayley looked up at him in annoyance before storming into the house. Darby tried to look busy so it wasn't so obvious that he was ease dropping.

"So what, you're just gonna get yourself killed because some idiot doesn't know how to stop when he's ahead?" Seth asked as he followed Bayley inside.

"Yes, Seth! That's exactly what I'm going to do because unlike you I care about more than just myself!" Bayley yelled as she got in his face.

Darby took a sip of his coffee nonchalantly.

"Come on, Bayls. You're smarted than this." Seth said seriously as he looked down at her.

Bayley stared up at Seth for a moment as he hovered over her. At this point, Darby was unsure if they were about to jump each others bones or kill each other.

"Rollins!" Hunter yelled as he walked inside.

Seth hesitated to take his eyes off of Bayley.

"Let's take a walk." Hunter told him.

Bayley held her ground as Seth stormed out of the house. Hunter followed after him, leaving Bayley alone with Darby.

"That was intense." Darby said suddenly.

Bayley glanced over at him for a moment before proceeding to make herself a cup of coffee.

"You're good with computers, right?" Bayley asked.

"Uh.. I guess so. Why?" Darby asked.

Bayley walked over and stood against the counter next to him.

"You're gonna help me find N6." Bayley told him.

Daby looked up at her with caution.

"I don't think your father would approve of that.." Darby said.

"He's my step-father. And in case you haven't noticed.. I don't exactly give a damn what anyone thinks of me anymore." Bayley told him.

"Anymore?" Darby asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2020 ⏰

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