My husband (Negan X Reader)

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Warnings: slight nudity and slight cussing
Y/n = your name
H/c = hair color
H/l = hair length
F/c = favorite color
You were abruptly woken up by the sound of gunshots and yelling. Normally you would've been terrified by this, but you've gotten used to this happening at least once a week for the past 3ish weeks. After your "husband" Neagan killed the Asian guy and the ginger from Rick's group, they tried to get their revenge. You truly felt bad for them since they lost some of their comrades and they seemed like pretty decent people, but they killed a decent amount of your people so it seemed like Neagan went really easy on them. You were thinking of getting up and around, but you were still pretty damm tired so you tried to fall back to sleep. You kept on tossing and turning but the noise was too loud so you just got up and decided to take a nice warm shower. You walked into the bathroom, stripped off all of your clothes and turned on the hot water and made sure you had everything you need including soap, body wash, a razor & shaving cream. You were very fortunate to have all of this during this hell hole of a world and you took it all for granted. You walked into the shower and started to scrub your h/l h/c and then bathe your body. After this, you shaved your armpits & your legs and you felt pretty clean. While you were in the shower, the noise died down so you assumed that the fighting had been stopped. You were completely clean but you just stood there in the shower and just got lost in your own thoughts. You were thinking to yourself "if this all didn't happen, would I have ever met all of these people?" and "how am I still alive right now?" You continued to get lost in your thoughts until you heard knocking. "Coming!" You shouted. You quickly turned off the shower and just got a towel for your hair and wrapped your hair up with the towel. You didn't bother grabbing another towel to cover yourself up since you thought it was Sherry coming to stop by, ask how your doing, & take you back to the Wive's lounge after you got complete dressed. She had seen you naked a couple of times when you all were changing into your dresses in the wives lounge so you were completely not bothered by her seeing you naked yet again. You felt bad that Sherry and the other wives didn't have a nice room like yours, the only reason you had this nice room was because Neagan was really fond of you and referred to you as his "favorite wife." As soon as you opened the door, you instantly regretted not covering your body up with another towel. There in front of you, hovering above you like a hungry wolf watching a helpless bunny was no one other than Negan. You sighed to yourself and were about to ask him what he wanted but then you noticed him looking you up and down. You instantly realized that you were in the complete nude in front of him and he chuckled at you when you finally realized what he saw. You immediately slammed the door and stammered "w-what do you want Neagan..." "well, I was going to ask you to go for a walk outside of the sanctuary for a bit but you clearly have other plans..." He trailed off and you could already vision his large ass grin. "No no no I don't want to do anything else, let's just go on that walk you suggested." You laughed nervously. You really didn't feel like going on a walk but you knew you had no choice. "Okay, be ready in 20 minutes and meet me at the gate." You replied with a simple "okay" and waited till you heard his footsteps in the distance and when he was far enough you instantly let out a sigh of relief and stopped being all tense. That was probably the most awkward moment between you two apart from "those moments" in his room but you didn't have time to be thinking about that, you needed to focus on getting changed. You changed into a f/c t-shirt and black leggings. You started heading towards the gate that lead out of the sanctuary but you were stopped by Sherry. "Hey y/n, where are you going? Aren't you supposed to be heading to the wife's lounge right now? I stoped by your room to pick you up and you weren't there" she said questioningly. "No, not today... Neagan wants us to go on a nice walk." you say in a sarcastic voice and she instantly got what you were meaning. "Ooo okay good luck y/n, have fun." She says as she waves at you while leaving to go to the wives lounge. You waited at the gate for what felt like 35 minutes until Neagan finally shows up. "Wow, you're the one who invited me yet your late." You say to him in an annoyed tone. You didn't want to go on this "walk" but you knew what would happen if you disobeyed. "Sorry, Simon was nagging on about some work related stuff so I got caught up with that." He said in a sympathetic voice. You were actually shocked since he sounded legitimately sorry but you weren't letting him get that victory feeling. "Well, let's go and get back here as soon as we can." You say bluntly and Neagan complies.
*time jump to 25-30 ish minute later*
You and Neagan have been walking in complete silence this entire time and the atmosphere between you two just seems really tense and uncomfortable. Your in the middle of the woods with him and you two have not said a word to each other this entire time. Something suddenly catches your eye and you start walking towards it and discover a really pretty flower that you immediately recognize. "Wow, It's been so long since I've seen a hibiscus!" You say to yourself in amazement. You turn around to show Negan, only to realize that he's gone. "Neagan?" You call out. There's no response. You hear leaves rustling and you think it's Negan trying to mess with you. "Negan, this isn't funny at all..." you call out but before you realize what's happening, a walker comes out of the bush. You instantly scream, not knowing what to do. You just stand there in utter shock and don't try to run or anything. The walker is really close and then all of a sudden, the walkers head gets bashed in by a bat you know all too well. "Are you alright?" Neagan asks you with concern in his eyes. You instantly start to tear up and Neagan realizes this instantly and hugs you and starts to rub your back, "shhhh it's okay your safe now, I got you." You just let the tears run down your face, you were so scared and thought you were going to die. After a bit, you finally returned the hug and you two just stood there like that for a long time. Neagan finally pulled away and placed a kiss on your forehead and you honestly don't care, your just happy to see him. "You want to head back? I can cancel the meetings I have today and we can hang out in my room for the day if that makes you feel better." Neagan says, trying to make you feel better. "I-I like that thank you, my husband." You smile up at him and he's shocked by you actually calling him your husband, but he smiles back at you and leads you back to the Sanctuary and up to his room where you both just talk and then have a mini cuddle session. You finally learned that Neagan wasn't that bad of a guy once you gave him a chance.

The end! I hope you enjoyed this because I really did! I literally did the rough draft of this during gym and English-

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