Last Call (Carl X Reader)

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Warning: slight cussing
H/l = hair length
H/c = hair color
Y/n = your name
You were outside on a run with your 4
Wolves. You were given these wolves by your dad before he passed away by a walker bite, He used to be a former zookeeper and raised these guys when they were little pups. Their names were Kai, Lunar, Shiva, and Sky (you can also use your own names). They all loved you and you loved them right back. They were there to protect you and keep you company on runs which really helped since you got lonely going on runs alone when Carl wasn't with you. You had a bag stuffed with medicine for little Judith just in case she got sick and you got a shit ton of food and water. You were feeling great and happy until you heard gunshots in the distance, coming from Alexandria. You instantly started running and did your whistle to get your wolves to follow. You had trained them with a couple of commands: 2 clicks meant that they would attack the saviors, a group of people who were technically stealing from you guys and 1 click meant for them to come back to you. You started running as fast as you could and hoped nothing bad had happened while you we're away. You went through the crack in the wall and you instantly went pale. There, kneeling before Neagan was your boyfriend Carl, Rick, and the rest of your group. Neagan was talking to Carl and you noticed Carl's face was really frightened and you were scared of what was going on. Then, you saw Neagan raise his bat whom he called Luciel above Carl's head. You were about to scream "no!" But then the Kings Tiger, Shiva jumped on one of the saviors. It was a coincidence one of your wolves shared the same name as the tiger but you didn't mind, the tiger was really chill and almost majestic looking. "Don't hurt our friends you assholes!" You looked a bit past Shiva and sawthe King and his men from The Kingdom were here to help you guys. You did your two clicks which instantly sent the wolves on the saviors, whole your wolves were attacking some saviors you got our your assault rifle from your bag and started releasing bullets at the saviors. The group turned to look at you and saw that you and your wolves were also saving them, and they all gave you a huge smile. You were happy that they were safe, and while you weren't paying attention a savior was coming up behind you. "Y/n! Look out!" Carl screamed but before the savior could do anything, Kai jumped on the man and ripped out his throat. You let out a sigh of relief and yelled at your group "Come on! Let's fight!" Your group instantly stood up and got the guns from the Dead Saviors and started shooting the other saviors. After a while, you heard someone yell, "Retreat!" The remaining saviors jumped into a van and huge truck with Negan following right behind them. You were disappointed you couldn't kill the remaining saviors including their asshole of a leader Negan (no hate towards Negan he's my favorite character from TWD just you view him as a dictator and asshole in this story.) You noticed as Neagan was driving away, he had his middle finger flipping you all off. You instantly laughed to the point where you were rolling on the ground and your wolves were all wagging tails as they watched you, glad that you were safe and seemed happy . "Y/n? What's so funny?" you stopped laughing and instantly recognized the voice as Carl's. YOU got up instantly and brought him into a huge hug, "Thank god your okay..." you said as you sighed out of total relief that he was okay. "Yeah, I'm okay. Thank you for saving me and the group." Carl replies. You two just stood there embracing each other for a while until you felt something wet on your leg. You pulled away slightly only to see that Sky and Kai were both nudging you with their wet noses, obviously wanting some attention too. You crouched down to their level and started kissing and petting them. "Who's the best boys out there? You two are!" You said as you were giggling while they licked you and humbly accepted the attention. You felt like you were getting watched, so you turned around only to see Carl staring at you with puppy eyes. "Oooo, someone else wants kisses." You say with you smirk. Carl instantly understood what you meant and smirked right back. He put his hands on your hips as you put your arms around his neck, pulling him close until you two locked lips. You two were kissing each other for a while until you heard someone clear their throat, which made you two break your kiss and look behind you. You saw your boyfriends father, the famous Rick Grimes. He came up and gave you a massive hug, saying "thank you for saving Carl" so many times. You didn't need to be thanked for saving your boyfriend but you were happy that Carl was safe and that the father and son duo could see a day together yet again. After Rick releases you from the hug, he hugged Carl for a while also. When those two were done having their moment, Carl came up to you and interlocked his hand with yours. You whistled for your wolves and you, Carl, and your 4 wolves just walked away enjoying a nice stroll.
The end! I hope you enjoyed this, I tried to use some other animals but I thought wolves would be perfect since their such powerful, fierce loving animals and I could totally see them being able to do damm well in a zombie apocalyptic world!

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