All Night Long (Negan X Reader)

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Warnings: NSFW and Cussing 😉
Y/n = your name
H/c = hair color
H/l = hair length
It was your average evening, you were walking down to go have dinner and talk with the other wives. You were happy to see the other wives since they were the only "nice women" in the Sanctuary but they all had one thing in mind, satisfy Neagan to be safe. The only wife you felt close to and liked was Sherry. She was a really kind and smart women who sadly had to "marry" Negan against her own will when she was already married to Dwight, but Negan's the leader so what he says is official. You really resented him for being able to do whatever he wants, but he kept you safe so you were able to put up with it. You also had some little feelings for him, but he only sees you as an object to satisfy his desire which made you upset but you were able to live with it. When you finally arrived at your destination, there sitting at the table is Sherry, Frankie, Tanya, and Amber. Sherry came up and gave you a hug while the other wives smiled at you and ushered you to sit down with them. This was your favorite time of the day, you got to talk with other women who were pretty chill and nice and Negan wasn't around so you could talk about whatever. You guys started talking but then were interrupted by Neagan walking up to the table to eat with you guys. You guys Immediately stopped talking when he walked up and he obviously noticed the change in attitude. "Ladies ladies, keep on talking. You don't have to stop just because I show up." You guys slowly started back with conversation but things were pretty awkward for you. You could feel someone staring at you and when you looked to your left, Neagan was looking straight at you. You tried to brush it off but he just kept staring which made you pretty uncomfortable and tense. Sherry noticed this and gave you a sympathetic look, but she couldn't really do anything because she would get in trouble if she spoke out of line. "Y/n..." Neagan said. "Yes, Neagan." You Sighed. "Meet me in my room after dinner." You instantly knew what he wanted and it kinda excited you since your time with him in his bedroom was really nice. "Sure." you said as you smiled at him. He smiled right back and licked his lips like he normally does when he's about to have some fun. You and the other wives finished your dinner and you were saying goodbye to them when Neagan wrapped his hand firmly around your waist. You tensed for a quick second at the sudden contact but relaxed when you two started walking into the direction of his room. As soon as he opened the door, he locked lips with yours. You closed the door with your leg and you two were in a heated make-out session. He grabbed your ass which made you gasp and he took this as an opportunity to enter his tongue into your mouth. You two were kissing like that for a while until you felt your legs get lifted from the ground. You broke away from the kiss and asked "Negan, what are you doing?" He didn't reply and brought you to his bed where he put you down. You instantly noticed the buldge in his tight jeans and you knew what was happening next, you started to take off your own pants and underwear and he did the exact same. When he was done, you saw his dick right in front of you. You never saw it when you guys got intimate since he made things pretty quick but now that you've finally seen it, you realized that it was huge. "Damm, he certainly got blessed with that thing" you mumbled to yourself. Apparently, you didn't mumble low enough because Negan was instantly smirking and chuckling at you and said "thanks, but let's not stare now." You blushed instantly realizing he heard you, but before you could get lost in your thoughts he got on the bed in front of you, lining himself at your entrance. You spread your legs and he instantly thrusted in deep and hard. "Fuck!" You screamed loudly at the sudden impact but when he started thrusting, it felt pretty damm good. "God damm Negan, how the hell is that thing fitting all the way in?!" He starting chuckling and just kept on thrusting, not answering your question. After a while, he got bored and pushed himself a bit father, instantly finding your sensitive spot. "Holy shit!" You screamed out at the immense pleasure. "Right there Negan! Right there!" You yelled. He acknowledged your pleas and kept on hitting that certain spot until he felt yourself clamp down on him a bit. He heard you whimpering too and he chuckled a little, knowing what was coming soon. "N-Negan...I'm close..." you said. "Me too y/n". His thrusts were getting a bit sloppy but he kept on going for a couple of more minutes until he suddenly grabbed your h/l h/c hair and released into the condom he put on when you weren't paying attention. After he came, he let go of your hair and fell onto the bed next to you. "Damm, you're the best at sex y/n". He said while panting. You started pouting when he only said your the best at sex and he noticed you pouting. He pulled you in close and cuddled you, obviously trying to make you feel better. "I love you, y/n..." he said to you as he was drifting off to sleep. "I love you too, Negan..." you said as you smiled at the man whom you called your husband.
The end! I hope you enjoyed this, I've never written a smut so it was kinda awkward for me so I tried my best 😅

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