Chapter 1

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It had been more than a month since the school term started, but it didn't feel like Gloxinia would get used to the school any time soon.

First of all, she didn't know how to talk to people, so she had no friends. Her looks--luscious black hair and purple eyes with long eyelashes--invited some admirers but the fact was that no one had approached her personally yet.

She wondered what she did wrong as she watched everyone else in the class mingling with their own circles.

At this rate, she wouldn't be able to fulfill the promise she made to her.

Go to school, will you? that girl's voice echoed in her mind. Live for my part too.

The school bell rang and snapped Gloxinia out of her daydream. She tidied up her desk and straightened her position as her other classmates hurried back to their seats to begin class.

A moment later, the homeroom teacher entered the class. Gloxinia wasn't paying attention because she was busy staring at her pencil case that was somehow missing an eraser.

"Good morning, class," the teacher greeted, with the class responding back with the same greeting.

Gloxinia started to take out the stuff in her pencil case one by one to check the eraser's whereabouts. But even when she finally emptied the case, she still couldn't find it.

She tilted her head in confusion. How could an eraser just evaporate like that?

Right then, someone passed by her seat.

Gloxinia's eyes widened when she noticed a familiar scent. A scent that she first encountered on the worst day of her life.

The scent of death.

She turned her head to look at the person who just passed by. She never saw him before. A transfer student? He had dark brown hair, tall body, and a wide back. He was walking towards an empty desk behind hers, and when he reached it and took a seat Gloxinia finally saw his face for the first time.

He was quite good looking, even to Gloxinia. His pupils were like the color of the moon, his eyes were round and a bit drooped. His modest bangs were brushed to the side.

Gloxinia kept on staring at him even when he already sat down. She felt like they already met before, but he looked different from the person she remembered.

The new student noticed her glance and looked at her. His gaze gave her chills all of a sudden, as if he was putting her under observation. She quickly turned around to look forward and ignore him.

He didn't seem like a good candidate for a friend. A friend should be nice and caring, and he didn't look like he was. It was better for her to not get involved with him, she thought.

The scent disappeared when he sat down, even though he was right behind her. Maybe it was just a coincidence.

The classes went by in a blink for Gloxinia. She listened to the classes well even though she actually didn't need to, and now it was already time for lunch.

Gloxinia sighed while leaning back. Nothing interesting happened to her today so far, again. When she left, Gloxinia thought she would feel the same excitement like when she was with her if she went to school. Reality was not as kind.

She looked around the class. She wanted to eat lunch with someone else, but nobody seemed to be approaching her since they were all surrounding the transfer student behind her. It was a bit noisy, but Gloxinia didn't mind a little noise.

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