Chapter two

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Chapter two

"No," Emma said bluntly. "Capital N, capital O, no!"

"Oh, come on!" Phoenix pleaded. "You are never any fun, Ems, it's always work, work, work with you! Newsflash: high school's over!"

Emma groaned, her face turning flustered. "It's not like you ever gave a damn about anything you did in high school anyways! Like trying for example! Look, Sarah, I'm sorry Josh is being a dick, but I just walked off the stage in the middle of my speech because I was worried about you and I get that this is a big deal, but this," she said, exasperated, gesturing with her hands, "was supposed to be my day, and now, I-I j-just feel like I'm..." She trailed off, putting her hand against her forehead and sinking down in her chair. Her friends remained silent, afraid to open their mouths to respond. Emma never cursed, so when she did, they knew it was a big deal. "I can't do this with you right now."

Emma opened the car door and walked towards the school, hugging her arms and trying not to let the tears that threatened to fall do exactly that. She reached the front doors, her hand outstretched for the handle when it burst open, and she stepped back cautiously. She kept her eyes on the ground, watching two feet emerge wearing ratty old sneakers she'd recognize from anywhere.

"Oh, Emily, there you are."

She looked up into her brothers eyes, shame radiating from her shy mannerisms. "Here I am..." she said, nervously fiddling with her hands.

"What happened back there?" He asked, and she turned, looking behind her towards Sarah's car.

" having some boy problems."

He looked at her questioningly, eyebrows raised. "You ran off the stage during your speech for that?"

Emma snorted, though she was dying inside. "I know right. Phoenix made it seem like the biggest deal in the world and everyone felt the need to not even consider me and what I have worked four long years for, and I..." She put her hand to her head, a bubbly giggle escaping her mouth. She laughed for a bit, leaning over, tears streaming from her eyes. All too quickly she was crying, her shoulders shaking up and down as she leaned against her brother for support, the two gripping each others forearms.

"Th-they," she said, recovering. "They want me to go o-on some r-road trip or adventure, or whatever the hell you want to call it, and I just...I-I can't just drop everything I'm doing a-and, I--"

Her brother cut her off, putting his hands on her shoulders and looking at her seriously. "What's the harm?" Emma's breath caught in her throat.


She wasn't sure whether or not she had heard him right, the only thing racing in her mind was how embarrassed she felt. That, and the anger.

"Why don't you go with them? I mean, they are your friends, Ems, and they meant well. It'll be fun, won't it? Last minute planning, packing, laughing, having the time of your life? I haven't seen you do that in a long time."

Emma sniffed, wiping at her nose, her temper flaring. "Daniel, you shouldn't be encouraging this, it's completely...irresponsible! Besides, we don't have money or any idea of what we're--" she stopped, looking to her brother who stared at her with his eyebrows raised. "Stop that!"

If she was honest with herself, it wasn't the fact that everything hadn't been planned out that made her disagree with her friend's crazy idea, but to admit that maybe she was uptight and in need of a break. But if Emily Freyer needed one thing, it certainly was not a break, because on the outside, she was stronger than an ox, even if she felt like the remains of the broken windshield of her parent's accident on the inside.

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