Hot When He's Mad

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Sirius' POV

Remus is hot when he's mad. Like really hot. Like worth flirting with other guys to get him mad hot.

So today I was craving hot, rough, and passionate sex. The best way to get that is when Remus is jealous. I decided Ayden Pike would be a good candidate for my false flirting. I'm rather convincing when flirting, so I hope that he doesn't take it to seriously, and I don't like breaking hearts.

So when we were having dinner I went over to the Ravenclaw table and plopped down beside Ayden.

"So" I began.

"I would really like to go out with you sometime, you know somewhere private" I say biting my lip. He made surprised face but than relaxed and winked at me.

"I would love that" he said, than added in a lowered voice:

"This is to get Remus jealous right?" He asked.

I nodded and nodded over his shoulder. He looked like he understood and grabbed my hand. I looked at him suggestively when Remus was walking over I added:

"Sorry I didn't catch that darling".

Remus took one look at me and promptly walked away.


Remus pulled me into the room of requirement and roughly started kissing me. I moaned into his mouth, Remus pulled away for just a second then aggressively started kissing my neck.

"What the fuck was that?" He growled into my neck.

"You're hot when you're jealous" I moaned.

"Really Siri"

Than without giving me time to respond shoved me onto a bed that had just appeared. Well let's just say I got what I wanted, and the next morning I winked at Ayden and flashed him the hickeys  on my neck.

You nasty fuckers thought you were getting smut didn't you. Haha

Love, Night Raider

283 words

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