best friends?

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A/N Noah is Marko's real name

It was 5 minutes before their big match luchasaurus went searching the arena for Jungle Boy and Marko asking people. He went to the locker room when he opened the door he saw them Marko was on Jack's lap the two were making out with holding hands. They were in their own world they didn't hear the door or saw luchasaurus standing there. It was a minute before the match but they weren't stopping he went up to them grabbing their arms nothing.
"Jungle Boy Marko time for our match you need to stop." Jack and Marko waved their hands to tell him to go away but he just hit Jack he looked at luchasaurus with a mad look.
"What is wrong with you?"
"We have our match now. Sorry, I hit you but that was the only way I could get your attention."
"Sorry, we're ready. Marko, we can pick this up after the match."
"Mmm yeah." Before heading to the ring they kissed one last time but we're still holding hands smiling at each other.
"Marko when we get out there we can't hold hands."
"I know but I love the way your hand feels in mine. I can't wait to feel your lips and tongue against mine."
"Me too. One last kiss." Jack and Marko kissed one last time with tongue right before you heard their music. During the match, they would tag each other Jack and Marko would hold hands quickly enough so people wouldn't catch on. Jack picked up Marko up they could do moves Marko could feel his heart skip a beat when his hand touched his chest Marko got flushed they went back to the ropes so Marko could tag Jack. They started to talk backwards to each other everyone was confused.
"I had no idea how good your hand felt on me.I want you."
"One hot kiss. Go to the middle of the ring and act sick I'll come to make sure you're okay and we'll go somewhere." Marko got back in the ring he grabbed his stomach making gagging noises Jack and the ref went to check on him Jack helped him out of the ring.
"Give us a minute and he'll be okay to compete." They went under the ramp they started to kiss long and hot holding hands this time Marko got on top of Jack they lost track of time.
"Jack before I go back I love you, Jack." Jack just smiled at Marko like he liked what he said they got back in the ring the ref wondered where they were.
"Sorry, he was sicker than we thought. He got it all out of their system." Lucky for them luchasaurus was able to fight without them they won shortly after. When they went up the ramp backstage they got to talking.
"Jungle boy was Marko really sick?" He looked confused he nodded.
"Marko tell me the truth. What really happened out there?"
"Go to the locker room." When they went to the locker room Jack and Marko were glad to be alone they started to kiss.
"Stop that. Look I know he wasn't sick he was faking it. Why would you do that?"
"First you can't tell anyone. Sorry, we did that we wanted to sneak away."
"I don't care if you like each other but you can't do that in the ring. Marko, I know this was you."
"We won't promise. Marko, I love you too. That sounded so good coming from you. God, I love your sexy southern accent. How long have you felt this way?"
"The moment we met you I knew it was love at first sight. I knew the moment we met we be together forever."
"Felt the same way too." Marko and Jack kissed they took a pic of them kissing. They got luchasaurus to take pics of them. The one of them kissing they posted it Marko and Jack both wrote this is what true love looks like. On Twitter wrote it's official jungle boy and Marco stunt are a couple but we've been in love for years. Jack remembered his dad telling him: "I see the way you look at Noah I know you like him more than just a friend. Plus he looks at you in that way too. You are meant to be go for it." Everyone wrote congrats with everyone saying we knew it about time. A month later Matt and Nick thought it would be cute to have them get married on tv a fake wrestling wedding so the next show they did.

Jungle boy/Marko Stunt one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now