Are enemies getting closer?

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Blake's POV
I watch as the one person that could keep me sane during all of this is the one being wheeled away in a hospital bed.

I tried going with her but they wouldn't let me because I wasn't immediate family.
I sink to the floor in the waiting room since they wouldn't let me back.
I move to a chair and not 10 minutes later you would have thought someone was giving away a million dollars because the amount of people that came through the door at once had the hospital staff quickly moving to get out of the way. It warmed my heart to know this many people cared for her and would drop anything to come be with her. Heck, even my parents and Daisy were here. I guess some of them called more people because I didn't call Tyler, Mateo, or Seb.
This also makes me feel like a piece of crap because all of these people are here and care for her but she is in danger and it is all my fault. I should have watch the guy more closely and I should have taken her to the truck.

*two days later*
(Imagine that one a sponge-bob voice)

Ana is still in a coma and I am literally falling apart without her. I don't know what I did before I knew her but I never want to go back to it. I haven't left her side other then to go to the bathroom, shower, and get some food, which my mother forced me to do. But I was right back by her side the second I was done. Honestly I don't think I have ever showered or eaten that fast in my life. But we did get good news. The doctor said she is just allowing her body to heal and she should wake up soon.

I am sitting in her room and right now it is just me since everyone else had to go do some stuff but would all be back later. I hear the door to her room open but I don't look up since I am expecting it to a nurse since nurses have been coming in and out and a doctor had just come in and put pain meds in her IV, and now that I think of it he looked really familiar but I can't pinpoint it but when she speaks I snap out of my thoughts and look up. I see Jess standing there looking at me with worry.

She tells me "Ana does not want you to do this to yourself. It would crush her if she knew you were blaming yourself. You tried your best and you know she isn't going to blame you."
I knew she was right, Ana wasn't the person to put the blame of anything on someone else.
Jess convinced me that I should take a breather and get some fresh air outside. I agree and we walk out together.

We were outside for about 15 minutes and it felt nice I have to admit. Just as we were about to go inside everyone else got back so we went into her room together. I was the first one in and stopped dead in my tracks.

Her room was empty.

No no no this can't be. I start panicking and looking around like everyone else. I think a couple people went to get a nurse and I hear someone shout my name from over by her bed. I walk over to Tyler as I realize it was him who shouted. I look down at his hands to see him hold out a piece of paper for me to take. The note had been laying on her pillow and it said

If you want to see your precious little girlfriend alive meet me at the abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town at 11pm

"The one time I leave is when something happens!! I shouldn't have left her alone this is all my fault." I say while running my fingers through my hair and pacing back and forth. I call Dad and Alex and tell him what happens since they were two of the few people who weren't staying at the hospital all day since they had to run the gangs and Alex was definitely not happy.

Dad informed me that he will call a joint gang meeting and they will call our other allies. He has grown close to Ana and loves her like a daughter. I know he wasn't going down without a fight. During the meeting I explain to them the doctor I am suspicious of and we look into the hospital staff records. There is no such person that work at the hospital with the name that was on the doctors coat. We discuss our options and
I know it is risky but we decided to follow Xander's instructions and meet him at the warehouse.

*a few hours later*
It is 10:45 and we are almost to the warehouse. We get there and cautiously walk up to the door. We are all armed and have bullet proof vests on so we should be good but you never know when you are working with gang leaders.
We get to the door and it is open, we slowly crept inside and tried to find a light switch. Gabe finally found the light switch and turned it on. Light flooded the warehouse and we were shocked by what we saw. Xander was standing there with Spencer his second in command and I recognized his eyes, he was the doctor that gave Ana "pain" meds. It was just a sedative. I notice they have other guards placed at the perimeter of the room. I got to pull my gun but Xander smirks " I wouldn't do that if I were you" I look at him confused until he snaps his fingers and a guard rolls out a wheel chair with someone slumped over unconscious in it. It doesn't take me long to realize who it is. Ana.
"Drop all your weapons or watch her die" he says while pointing his gun at Ana. I command my men to stand down and you immediately here their weapons hit the ground along with mine. You can practically feel the anger rolling off of Alex in waves and I am sure I am in the same state.

Xander starts talking again "well it was nice meeting you gentlemen. But I really must get going, I just wanted to show you what is at risk if you don't play by the rules." He said gesturing towards Ana. "And don't worry it is only a sedative.... for now. I will contact you with further information but as for now we must get going"
With that he walked away taking Ana with him. I watched as he wheeled her farther and farther away from me where I can keep her safe. I just hope she stays safe through all of this but
Only time will tell......

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