Part 1

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Most of 1A we're having a pool party! It's around 8pm and dark out but warm. The only people that weren't there were: Mineta (He wasn't invited), Koda and Sato. They're at Momo's house. Out in the backyard, there was also a hot tub as well as the pool. In the hot tub were (going clockwise from the steps that lead into it) Kirishima, Bakugo, Sero, Ashido, Jiro, Momo, Tsuyu, Uraraka, Midoriya, Tododoki and...Shinsou?! Yes shinsou was there and for a ReAsOn. Bakugo is sat with his right arm around Kirishimas shoulder and Shinsou is sat with both his arms out on the side of the Hot tub next to the steps. They're all laughing bout random stuff. StOrY TiMe.

"Okay this is boringgggg.... Ah I have an idea!" Sero said, Bakugo replying with "Oh Fuck No".
"Shinsou try and catch someone with your quirk!"
"Okay. Are you playing too?"
"Ye- Ah shit"
Some time passed and they were just playing games. Bakugo, apparently bored, had rested his forehead on the side of Kirishimas face, then whispered something, turning Kirishima bright red. After about a minute and Kirishima had returned to a roughly normal skin tone, when Bakugo lifted his head slightly and bit his ear, making him blush again.

"Um...Kacchan? Could you uh... not, p-please?"
"WHO THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU ARE?! What about that time in the kitchen with you and Todoroki hmm?!" He said, raising his hand and aiming an explosion at Midoriya, purposefully making it hit the water right before it hit him. And of course, he squeaked in panic. Everyone was then quiet and talking among themselves, when Shinsou looked above where Tsu and Uraraka were sat across from him and smiled. They all turned to see who he had spotted, and sure enough, it was Kaminari. He had started to walk towards the steps and as he was about to climb in, when he was interrupted
"Woah, fuck no! If he gets in well all fucking die!"
"Ah, what a shame" Shinsou said whilst reaching up his hand, which Kaminari grabbed and climbed in. Because there were so many people in the small hot tub, Kaminari decided that instead of making everyone else move round so he could sit next to Shinsou, he just sat in between his legs.

"Great now I'm the only single one here!" Sero complained, Ashido, confused replying with "You already were?"
"No but I mean the person 'I'm dating' isn't here"
"But Nejire isn't here either?" Mina said, confused.
"Oh. Right yeah."
"Oh! What time is it? IIDA?!"
"What time-"
"Ah, hold on a second Ashido. I think I just heard a car pull up..."
iida walked over to the side gate, where he apparently had heard someone walking towards it. He opened the gate, inviting whoever it was into the garden. It was steamy over where the hot tub was, so it was hard for them to make out who it was at first, that was until, walking next to iida, they finally saw who it was.
"Is that- NEJIRE!"
Ashido leapt out of the hot tub and started sprinting towards where Nejire was standing. She jumped at her, nearly knocking her over.
"Uwah! Your all wet!" Nejire squeaked.
"Ha! I missed you!"
"I saw you yesterday!"
"Doesn't matter! Where's Eri?"
Then, a little face appeared from behind Nejire's legs.
She scooped her up into her arms, making he squeal in excitement.
"She wanted to come pick you up with me"
"Awwh! Okay I'll go change then I need to say bye to people"
"Okay but be quick! You know how worried 'Jiki gets when I'm gone with her for too long!"
"Okay 2 mins!"
"Wait! I want say hi! Where Deku?"
"Oh he's over here, come on quickly!"
A few minutes passed and Ashido had left with Nejire and now it was around 10pm.
"Everyone! I hate to kill the party but my parents will be home soon and my Mother asked for everyone to be gone by then!"
Everyone slowly made their way inside to get changed back into their normal clothes, then everyone was sat in the living room waiting for the others before leaving. It was surprising all of them could fit in one room, it was quite big however.
"Okay I might have lied and you don't have to leave, I just wanted to get you all together!" Yaoyorozu said coming in from the kitchen with Jirou.
"Fuck you then! We're leaving!"
"No Kat! don't be so rude!"
"Anyway, as you can see, some people have already left..."
Looking around, they all realised that actually quite a few people had left, leaving only the following: Momo, Jirou, Kirishima, Bakugo, Shinsou, Kaminari, Uraraka, Tsuyu, Midoriya, Todoroki, Shoji, Tokoyami, Ojiro and Hagakure.
"Couples Night!" Jirou screamed.
Then pretty much everyone in the room blushed, apart from Bakugo and Shinsou.
Momo then began to explain what they were going to be doing,"Okay this is gonna be so funny! We're gonna play-"
"Pocky!" Jirou screamed, finishing her sentence for her.
"You had to ruin my moment then?!" Mo said, hoping for a sympathetic reply.
"Yep! Each pair will one by one eat a full pocky stick together. But whats a game without-"
"DRINKS!" Mo said, smugly looking a Jirou. She held up multiple bottles. Cheers came from all around the room. Everyone grabbed a bottle from the table that was surrounded by the sofas.
Tododeku. [Table]. TokoShoji
UraTsu. [Table]. HagaOjiro

Mo: "Okay we'll go clockwise starting with me and Jirou!"
She lifted the pocky stick in front of her and Jirou's faces, both biting each end until their faces got nearer, and nearer until their lips met.
"See! Easy! Tsu! Uraraka! Your turn!"
As guessed, they both blushed, the same went for Midoriya and Todoroki.
"Kirishima! Bakugo! Your turn!"
They both took one end in their mouths, biting off small pieces until their lips met. When they did, Bakugo grabbed his face, keeping him locked in position. That was until he was elbowed in the back by Todoroki, who was sat on the sofa next to him.
"Sure you will BITCH!"
"Don't you dare mess up this house!" Jirou added quickly, "Kaminari! Shinsou! Your turn!"
"Uh... do we really have to?" Kaminari asked, looking down. He seemed really nervous.
"YES!" Jirou shouted.
"Kat stop being a bitch!"
"Come on!" Mo encouraged them.
Shinsou had picked one of the sticks up.
"Id rather not..."
"Rather not what? Rather not kiss me?"
Kaminari shot him a death glare. He didn't answer him, he wasn't that stupid after all. He shot out a hand, grabbing the stick and placing the other end in his mouth. When their lips were about an inch away from each other's, Kaminari panicked and jolted his head forward, head butting Shinsou whilst doing so.
"Ow! What was that for?"
"Its okay! Completely understood that you don't want to!" Mo told them
"Oh come on! No fun!" Jirou complained.
About half an hour later, after everyone had finished their turns and where playing board games. Shoji, Tokoyami, Ojiro and Hagakure had left my now. Then out of nowhere, there was a knock on the door, which was unusual as it was about 11:30pm.
"I'll get it!"
When Momo returned to the living room, she wasn't alone. Following behind her was Aizawa.
"Ah, hello!" Shinsou said..
"You two little fuckers better be drinking whatever's in that bottle!" He said, pointing at Shinsou, whilst also shooting everyone else death glares as they all also had bottles near them.
"Shh you'll wake Kaminari!"
Kaminari had fallen asleep on Shinsou's lap.
"I'm not fucking around Hitoshi! Car, NOW!"
"Kami~ Wake Up~"
"cmon babyboy~ we're going home."
Shinsou stood up, still holding Kaminari, who shuffled around until he was holding onto him like a Koala, half asleep.
"Momo, is it? Thanks it's been fun."
Ai: "You two! No more jokes get outside now!"
"Well that was...unsettling"
"Actually, we probably better get going too, right Midoriya? Your mother might be worried." Todoroki finally spoke.
"Ah! I forgot to call her! Yes we better go! Thank you so much Mo-chan!"
"Thank you! See you later!"
"Okay when are you two planning on leaving?"
She said whilst looking over at Kirishima and Bakugo.
"Kicking us out already?"
"Heh~ Kacchan~"
"How much did you fucking drink?!"
"Heh about...yes many seven"
"Oh god... good luck, Bakugo!" Mo said concerned.
"Yeah good luck! I hope you win!" Kiri added
"Ah, Mo-chan are you sure there wasn't that much alcohol in those bottles?"
"It said 2.0%, right?"
Jirou had picked up a bottle to inspect it.
"No, 20%! How much did he drink?"
"All his, half mine and most of sparky's."
"Oh no..."
"Come on Shitty hair get up. Home time."
Bakugo hauled him to his feet, dragging him out the door to his motorbike.
"Bye thanks for coming!"
"Girls Night!"

Thank You For Reading! Part 2 Soon ❤️

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