Regina George✔️

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Veronica P.O.V

September 1,1991,

Dear Diary,

About this time two years ago, I ran away from home. I was full of bad choices and teen angst. This whole hellish dream started with a vengeful mistake. The monstrous boy I fell for said it would only cause them embarrassment in front of their peers. He assured they wouldn't be hurt, and they'd be laughing stocks in the morning. I so deeply wanted to believe his every word, because I wished for them to suffer. Inside me, I knew I wanted them to feel just as dejected and abused as I had.

Instead of a little mockery, I had helped my lover take the young boys' lives.

His grin at their lifeless bodies was sick and malevolent, but somehow, simultaneously charming.

I loved every inch of the boy, but his psychotic ways frightened me. I felt the nausea one with conscious would feel for murder, but the bubbly emotion soon twisted into a wicked need for more violence.

In that moment I wanted to kill for him. I was no longer the innocent gal that thought life could end up beautiful. I had a taste of destruction and I didn't want it to go away.

I could've stopped. I could've broken up with the unstable angel from hell, but I started to find myself loving the sounds of their screams that night.

His reckless love led me a trail of whirlwinds and murders, and I say without shame, I don't regret a single one.

My love for what was on the inside of people became more than just a sappy teenage fantasy. The sight of blood made me giddy, screams made me smile, and the snapping of bones gave me purpose.

I soon fell into the almost religious belief that I was meant to find this boy and allow him to shift my heart to its full chaotic potential.

I know this note will be a clue for the cops when I leave it near our most recent victim, but they'll never catch us. I'm assured that every death I cause is for a good, villainous reason, and I'm a pawn of Christ's rebellious ways.

Veronica Sawyer

"Ready to go darling?" J.D. smiled with grim affection. The nauseating feeling weakened my core, but I was in love with the high he gave me.

"Just about." I smirked, setting the note next to the mutilated body of the once gorgeous, Regina George. These people had it coming, so I felt not an inch of humanity.

"Let's motor. I can hear the sirens starting to turn the corner." I added.

"Hey," he softened facing me. The air was tense ever since we started this deadly debacle.

"What?" I asked indulging the kind side I was surprised to see he still had.

"Our love is god." He finally smiled bringing my lips to his chapped ones. I melted into the dangerous kiss, feeling a small remnant of my  once pure soul return.

As fast as it had arrived, it had disappeared, but I found a slight joy knowing the kind girl and good person I used to be was still in there.

I giggled not wanting to get too far with him in the alleyway of a murder scene.

"C'mon Love, let's go get a slushee." He suggested taking my hand.

I giggled as we raced off. I loved my life of crime and passion. I wouldn't trade it for the sliver of normalcy that remained.

~Time Skip~

Chandler P.O.V

"Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw," I said slipping on my rubber gloves.

"What is it Heather?" Mac asked intrigued. Our lives were often full of mysteries to solve. It's what you sign up for when your Sherwood, Ohio's best detectives.

"The two sick lovebirds we've been hunting for weeks finally slipped up. They are starting to get a little too cocky. Look, they left a note." I replied picking up the slip of paper.

Duke leaned over my shoulder to get a better view. " What's it say Heather?"

I rolled my eyes and passed her the paper. The cops were busy taping up the scene, while we, the only competent people in this place, investigated the clues.

Heather starts reading it in her head and for once I want her to fucking speak up.

"Louder Heather, there's more than one person who needs to know what it says."

She looks at me confused.

"What?! We ain't got all day."

She shrugs and begins to read. It was our fist glimpse into the life of these monsters. They had killed over twenty people in the last month. I was on the brink of catching them every time, but they slipped through my fingers.

It was good to know Veronica still had some morals. I could probably save her. But that was a thought for a later time.

Right now, the other Heathers and I were busy tracking them down.

"What we gonna do, chief?" Mac asks softly. I often wonder if this was really the career path for her, but her question still stood.

"We're gonna do what we always do," I answered unwrapping a cherry lollipop and popping it into my mouth. " First we're gonna buy some corn nuts, and then we're gonna put these punks back on their level."

Duke giggled like a high elephant, but a lead on a new case left me in a kind enough mood to let her be.

"Let's motor." I finally said.

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