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it was late at night and yoongi was walking down the streets,, his hair wet because of the rain

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it was late at night and yoongi was walking down the streets,, his hair wet because of the rain. the rain rolled down his cheeks,, mixing with his tears.

the rain was falling because the clouds could no longer handle the weight. yoongi's tears were falling because his heart could no longer hold the pain. he wasn't used to holding back his tears.

self-discipline begins with the mastery of your own thoughts. if you don't control what you think, you can't control what you do.

yoongi knocked on the door from his best friend's house. the door opened fast and hoseok looked at yoongi. "yoongi what happened",, hoseok asked worriedly.

yoongi walked in without giving an answer,, hoseok closed the door in silence. "there are many things i would like to say,, but i don't know how",, yoongi said silently.

"don't worry yoongi,, crying is how your heart speaks when your lips can't explain the pain you feel",, hoseok said and smiled softly.

yoongi sat down on the couch and sighed deeply. "i made a wrong decision hobi",, yoongi mumbled silently while trying not to cry. hoseok sat down next to yoongi and held his hand,, rubbing yoongi's hand to comfort him.

"decisions are the hardest moves to make yoongi,, especially when it's a choice between what you want and what is right",, hoseok said and looked up at yoongi.
"but it hurts",, yoongi said and looked back at hoseok.

"just because a decision hurts, doesn't mean it's the wrong decision",, hoseok said and wiped tears away from yoongi's cheeks.

"just tell me what happened yoongi",, hoseok said as he looked at yoongi. "no,, i need to be careful what i tell people. a friend today can be my enemy tomorrow",, yoongi said as he played nervously with his hands.

hoseok raised an eyebrow but just stood silent. yoongi glanced up at hoseok and sighed deeply.

"i sold myself",, yoongi whispered. hoseok stared at the shorter male next to him.

yoongi stared back,, noticing hoseok's eyes who stared blankly at him.
"stop staring like that. i just need to pay my bills" yoongi said,, moving a bit away so hoseok couldn't slap him.

hoseok sighed as he got up and walked into the kitchen. he filled two glasses with water and walked back to yoongi,, handing him one of the glasses.

yoongi glanced up at hoseok. "please say something hoseok",, yoongi whispered. he was afraid this was one of the last times he could see hoseok.

hoseok bit his lip. "sorry. i just don't know what to say",, hoseok said as stopped walking behind yoongi and laid his hands onto the shoulders of the male.

he started massaging them softly and pecked the males head. "so just tell me how this all happened. i want every single detail",, hoseok said,, not wanting that the silence would take over the room.

"i have a lot of bills,, i need to pay them if i don't want problems. so i started searching for a job. but without dimploma, i couldn't find one. until i met a handsome man",, yoongi said,, sipping of the water while enjoying the fact that hoseok was massaging his shoulders.

hoseok just hummed at the words yoongi was saying,, hoping yoongi would continue his story.

yoongi clicked his tongue as he shut his eyes closed. "so- the male told me he was still searching a personal assistant. he told me i was the assistant he was looking for".

hoseok smiled a bit. "don't tell me you just took the job because he was flirting with you and he was handsome",, hoseok whispered,, loud enough for yoongi to hear.

yoongi opened his eyes and turned around on the couch,, glaring up at hoseok. "for sure not. i just followed him to his house so he could give me the contract i had to sign",, yoongi said and thought for a moment.

hoseok sighed and walked slowly back to the front of the couch,, sitting down next to yoongi. "continue. i won't judge you."

yoongi nodded before cracking his knuckles.
"so the male made his way to his house. it was huge,, it looked like a mansion. he handed me a paper and i read everything carefully."

yoongi took the copy of the contract out of his bag and handed it hoseok.
hoseok eyes scanned the paper,, reading it out loud.

as a personal assistant of jeon jeonggukyou should follow ten simple rules

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as a personal assistant of jeon jeongguk
you should follow ten simple rules.

1. don't have a relationship.
2. do everything jeongguk tells you.
3. don't see jeongguk as a friend. he is your boss,, nothing else.
4. you will be his assistant for 5 years,, after that, you can sign this contract again.
5. you will live with jeongguk for 5 years.
6. you won't leave the mansion,, only if jeongguk tells you to.
7. you aren't allowed to have a phone or any contact.
8. don't do anything if jeongguk didn't ask you anything.
9. whatever happens,, you are his assistant,, nothing else.
10. don't talk to jeongguk when he didn't ask anything.

if you don't follow these rules jeongguk is allowed to punish you.
as personal assistant jeongguk will pay every single thing for you.

this includes clothes, food, bills, etc.

this includes clothes, food, bills, etc

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hoseok looked at yoongi. "this is stupid. jeongguk really will use you as a slave and we aren't even allowed to have contact",, hoseok said.

"i know,, but i signed it already. i will leave tomorrow. it's only for five years. he will pay my bills. that's the most important thing",, yoongi said and wrapped his arms around hoseok's waist.

hoseok sighed and ruffled yoongi's hair. "just be careful",, hoseok said. yoongi nodded and slowly got up.

"i should pack my things. see you later hobi. i am sure i will see you around a day" ,, yoongi said.

words: 973.

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