ǝǝɹɥʇ ɹǝʇdɐɥɔ

177 9 3

..of course, Riley wasn't expecting anything at all.

It wasn't something that he suspected would happen when he arrived at his house. It all happened in such a short amount of time, and it was all such a blur. He could barely remember what even happened within those few hours and minutes. He hadn't picked up on most of it, as it all went by too fast past him.
However, there were certain things that he did and didn't remember.

"Oh, good heavens, Riley.. you arrived," Forrest sighed in relief as Riley walked up the steps towards Dylan's house. 
He spun his car keys around in a bit of hesitation. He debated on what to ask, or what to say. He was afraid that he might upset Forrest or Dylan, as they already both seemed worried enough. Riley clicked his tongue in anticipation. He was waiting for anything else that they might have to say. Fortunately, Dylan spoke up to answer his worries.
"It doesn't necessarily seem as bad as it may appear. We just got notified that Andre will be coming back home soon," Dylan murmured with a small smile cracking from his face. 

..the memories came flooding back to him as he remembered the day that Andre got sent to the hospital for the one-millionth time. He had managed to fall, and slip, and impale himself with a sharp object on the ground. Fortunately, he was with Dylan at the time, to which Dylan called Riley, to which then Riley called an ambulance-like Dylan should have done in the first place.

"..that's great. When does he get discharged?" he questioned, eventually managing to calm himself down. Riley was still somewhat freaked out by how they appeared, resulting in him guessing that what they had to say was going to be heartbreaking. However, he thought wrong, as it was positive news for him. He missed Andre, even though it may or may not appear that way. He got tired and bored of Andre getting sent to the hospital too many times, and he gradually got to the point where he missed the black-haired boy. 
Dylan looked back down at the orange folder to read a small, black-and-white paper that the hospital had given him. He scanned it for a good few seconds or two and drifted his eyes back up over to look at Riley.
"It.. says in two days."

Two days.
Those words rang in Riley's head for a solid minute. Two days.. Andre would be back on the day before Jay's party. He had to notify Andre about the gathering, as he wouldn't want him to feel left out. However, he knew that Andre and Jay did not exactly have the best of friendships. Regardless, he hoped that they had at least repaired whatever damage they had done to their relationship, and he now hoped that Andre would be willing to come to Jay's party.

"That's good, I suppose," Riley yawned out and stuffed his keys into his pockets. He wanted to bring up the topic of his party, but he wasn't sure of how to exactly bring it up into the conversation. Forrest would most certainly not be happy, but Dylan might be accepting of it. Riley didn't understand why it would be such a problem. It was just a simple party, what else could go wrong? Sure, there would be drinks and such provided for them, but they weren't going to drive home drunk or anything similar to that matter. 

It got rather quiet within the group, and they all stood there with their hands behind their backs. It was now suddenly awkward. What was Riley supposed to say to all of them? Forrest sighed out, and finally broke the unsettling silence between them all.
"So.. Riley..? Where exactly were you?" the lime-color haired boy spoke with a nervous and hesitant smile. Riley trailed his gaze up to meet Forrest's, and he couldn't help but smile right back at him. Forrest's smile had always brightened his day up, no matter how pissed off he exactly was. He loved him dearly, and he couldn't wait for their upcoming second anniversary. It was something Riley had been planning for, for possibly three months now.
"I was with Jay for the day," he replied bluntly and turned his head to face away from him. It was a topic he knew that Forrest would not be satisfied with. Nonetheless, he said it anyway, and he now had to deal with what Forrest had to say about his activities.

Forrest didn't look the most pleased. He let out a groan of frustration and he folded his arms more childishly. He began to speak in an angry tone of voice. "You know I hate Jay, right? Why do you hang out with him?"
Riley was expecting this to happen, in all honesty. He knew that Forrest would be disappointed with his actions, but Riley did not care all that much. It was his life, and he didn't want others to control it for him. He simply rolled his eyes and looked over at his lover once more.
"I'm sorry. Jay is quite nice, y'know."
"I couldn't care less."
"..alright, then."

The circle of people got quiet once again. Oh, how he hated this unnecessary silence. He didn't want to dwell on how his boyfriend was feeling, so he simply moved on with what he wanted to talk about in the first place.
"Speaking of Jay, I wanted to tell you that he's hosting a party in three days, and I would be appreciative if you all came with me."
Dylan and Forrest stood there with their jaws dropped wide open.

"A party?"

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 17, 2019 ⏰

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