The Mind of Matter

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After the opening, Fred is in the arena again, this time with the signature Scorch Blades. Fred side shuffles up to an enemy and kicks them in the face and the roundhouse kicks them to the ground. Another gladiator runs towards Fred and he back handsprings out of the way. Another warrior emerges behind Fred and raises a sword to slash down at Fred's back. Fred raises his hands to his back and blocks the attack. He spins over the warrior and suplexs them onto the ground.

He kicks the gladiator in the face after the latter attempts to attack again. The kick has enough power to knock the gladiator out and Fred is in the air and sees the last enemy charge forward to attack Fred once again. Fred lands and blocks the sword strike of the incoming soldier. He then sends two kicks into the enemy's chest. Fred flips forward and does an axe kick to the enemy's head, knocking him out too.

Fred then looks up to Negrero and Clay. While Clay smiles, Negrero gives Fred a thumbs down, telling him to kill the other slaves. Fred shakes his head no and Negrero growls to herself and presses a different button. A door on the other side of the arena opens and two Beowolfs emerge. Fred enters his battle stance as the Grimm begin to slowly move onto the battlefield. One charges towards one of the knocked out warriors. Fred sees this and quickly jumps into action.

Fred stands between the Beowolf and the knocked out enemy. Fred takes a deep breath and sees the Beowolf charge towards him. He extends his right blade, after switching the two since the original right blade was snapped off, and takes a deep breath. He attempts to summon his Guardian Abilities but stops once he sees the Beowolf lunge towards him. Fred yells and slashes upward, cutting the entire Beowolf in half.

The other Beowolf lunges towards Fred on his left. Fred raises his left arm and uses it as a shield to protect himself from the Grimm. He takes his right blade and extends it, using his upgrade as well, making a massive fire dust blade and his stabs the Beowolf in the chest, killing it.

Fred throws the body to the ground and looks back up at Negrero and glares at her. She looks more and more upset. Fred then walks off and out of the arena.

Negrero: I'm going to kill that kid.

Clay rolls his eyes. However, Negrero sees the other slaves in the ring standing back up. She leans back and smirks to herself.

Inside the main holding for the gladiators, Fred walks through the place as a few other slaves pass him by. While some give him nods and smiles, other ignore him out right. However, he stops once he sees Negrero standing at the back of the room and her guards pushing slaves out of the way.

Negrero: Quite the performance.

Fred: Thanks.

Negrero: Although, you still aren't killing. (Fred remains silent) I would have thought Clay would have broken you in by now. You know what happens when I don't get what I want in this town?

Fred cocks an eyebrow. Negrero slowly takes out an electric chock detonator. Fred sees it and begins to run towards her.

Fred: NO!

She presses the button but instead of Fred being shocked, everyone else around him are. Fred looks around in surprise and shock as everyone else is in pain but him and Negrero.

Fred: How?

Negrero: Different calibration on yours. Now, listen closely, this is what happens when you don't kill them!

Fred: Please. You're going to kill them!

Negrero: No, no, no. I wont be. You will be. You don't kill in that arena, they die out here.

Team FLME: Volume 7Where stories live. Discover now