Spin off Chapter 1

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This is a darker fiction spin. With descriptive violence, emotional turmoil, and potentially triggering writing. You have been warned.  

Our story changes course after the train pulls away with Harrison taking him home to his father.

Harrison double checked his case was secure by his feet in the car. It didn't feel right going home before school was over. 5 minutes after the train pulled from the station Harrison lets his guard down and frowned.

He would have to come up with a plan for the next week. He needed to convince his dad and Professor Chadron to let him go back to school. It was a mistake going to her in the first place. He knew better then to share something like this with an adult. But not being able to sleep and waking up screaming was problematic. It was affecting his grades and his Quidditch performance. It was hard to research things when Dolan was watching over his shoulders but he had come up with part of a plan. Something just told him Dolan won't approve of what he is about to do. Still, it was more of a plan that he normally goes in with.

Dreamless sleep. A 7th year level potion that is controlled by the ministry regarding how much is sold. Thankfully its ingredients are all used in typical household, homemade potions. Making it was going to be tricky. Potions wasn't his strongest suit but desperate times makes for risky decisions.

Harrison's dad already told him he wasn't able to pick him up at the station. That's fine. He was 17 for crying out loud. He could cast and defend himself if needed. So first it was a trip to the local bank for some coins out of his personal savings account. He had been saving up for a broom upgrade when he went pro after school, but that will just have to wait.

Next the Apothecary for the ingredients he needed. Enough for a few months or so, in case it takes some time before he can make it again at Hogwarts. Along with a few other kinds of ingredients that could complete different potions so it looks less suspicions. The cauldron and other supplies he had "borrowed" from the potions room at school.

As a last-minute thought, Harrison stopped into a newer store in the last few years; Muggle That. A shop that sold all things muggle that the wizarding world didn't have. He made a b-line for the makeup stand and bought a bottle of his trusty concealer. You're probably thinking, there has to be a potion for that. There is, but some potions don't take together well. And people don't look for muggle made stuff when they run revealing charms.

Paying for a lunch on the go, Harrison started walking the mile it would take him to get the rest of the way home. Thank Merlin he is old enough to use magic outside of school. It's all about the shrinking and weight reduction charms. Hoping his dad wasn't...well you'll see.


Walking into his house Harrison hesitantly called out. "Dad?" After a moment of no answer Harrison walked through the dark living room, passing an empty beer can, into the kitchen. He takes out his shrunken leftovers and puts them in the stasis cupboard. Harrison looked around and saw that outside of the condemns and other things people buy but never seem to use up, there really wasn't much food in the house. Some stale bread and molding peanut butter. The stasis charms can only help for so long. A blackened banana. Cereal box. He would have to go shopping later. Glancing at the back door to the property that lead into the forest, Harrison saw that his dad's broom was propped there. Meaning his dad traveled by anther means or is in his room sleeping.

Up the stairs Harrison unshrunk the rest of his items and placed them on his bed. He would need to figure out where he wanted to set up the cauldron. Probably on his desk. Less questions [due to it being out of site unlike the kitchen] and a place it will hopefully not get knocked. Taking in a deep breath, he went about doing just that.

A few hours later, his room set up and feeling like he will be able to start the first batch in the morning, Harrison hears the front door slam shut. A few stomps. And a thud. Harrison mentally checked himself, taking another breath, and headed back down the stairs.

His dad was sitting in his chair, feet on the coffee table, a beer in hand with a bag that most likely contained more. "Hi, dad."

His dad looks up at him from his beer. "What are you doing home? It's not the holidays yet is it? And you like staying there, leaving me in this empty house."

Harrison holds back a flinch and walks the rest of the way into the room "Professor Chadron sent me home. Wanted to give me a week away from stress...and reminders" Harrison adds more under his breath.

"You talking back now? Don't go mumbling stuff. You don't want it heard don't say it. Chadron figured out you can't handle your school work hu? Not sure who you sucked off to get those passing grades. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the staff themselves." Harrison's dad had heard about his dating streak and sometimes decides Harrison is nothing more than a sell out.

You see, in the beginning after Harrison's mom died, his dad dropped into depression. Not that any upstanding pureblood wizard would use such a muggle term. Harrison got good at Quidditch and practiced every day as it was an activity his dad loved. That had seemed to help. His dad continued to go to work and could brag about his athletic son. But then it stopped being enough. When Harrison made a mistake during practice at home his dad would come yelling, scolding him for such a beginner's error. Around others, Harrison and his dad put on an act. They played the supportive family. How helpful Harrison was by taking on more chores around the house. How dedicated he was to being his best every day. How his dad was doing so well taking on the role of both mother and father.

Harrison did love Quidditch and playing. He just liked it more when his dad wasn't around to watch. Harrison came home for Winter holiday his first year of Hogwarts and that's when things got bad. Being alone in the house, his dad had picked up drinking. And he was a mean drunk. Nothing was good enough for his dad anymore. Somehow his dad still made it to work all these years and no one seemed to notice. There wasn't money for food and other things anymore. It was thanks to Harrison's own skills with Quidditch and pulling off just high enough grades that he got a scholarship to cover his school expenses and was able to by new robs each year.

No one knew. This was Harrison's secrete. Not his dad's coworkers or friends. Not the school staff or nurse. Not Leo or Sea. And definitely not Dolan. Harrison didn't even want to think about what Dolan would do if he found out. He might be a Slytherin and play all 'I only look out for myself' but he was as big of a protector as Harrison was. And with that Hufflepuff family backing him up? It would not be pretty.

Blinking few times to take get himself out of his memories Harrison asks "What's the plan for dinner?" His dad grunts "There's a kitchen. You're old enough to feed yourself." Never mind Harrison had started making his own meals when he was 6. Nodding, Harrison left the room and went to heat up his lunch leftovers to take to his room. Praising himself for a decent first encounter with his dad he finished off his food and wrote out his first letter to Dolan to let him know he made it home safe.

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