Spin off chapter 3

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Harrison lands on his feet and would have fallen to his butt if arms had not ended wrapped around him. It felt like he was being squeezed to death. He takes a small breath in. The scent was so strong. So much better when it was in person. Harrison drops his wand and the snitch and holds Dolan back just as tight. "Dolan."

Harrison doesn't get any father as lips connect with his. Warm, soft, demanding lips. Harrison feels like he could cry. He opens his mouth to say hi but ends up with the strong wet muscle of Dolan's tongue in his mouth. "mmm!" Harrison melts into Dolan's hold. This was breathing. This was what living felt like. Harrison let Dolan take charge. Showing dominance and control. Caring and warmth. The feel of Dolan's hand holding his neck and chin to guild the kiss felt safe and loved.

His senses focused in on a metal feeling along with Dolan's finger by his cheek. It was Harrison's ring. He was wearing my ring. Dolan's other hand was along Harrison's neck and shoulder, figures reaching out to curl around the chain of Dolan's necklace.

**Story back to original Tiktok plot**

Dolan pulls back and looks Harrison in the eyes "I love you." It was shocking for Dolan to be so straight forward but also felt like a healing spell after the last three weeks. "Dolan" Harrison says like a prayer. Harrison then finds himself stopping short. He blinks. And blinks again. "What happened to your hair?"

Dolan waves him off with an eye roll "Well...It's...That's not important right now. How the heck did you get here? It's not safe!"

"Leo and Rowan made me a portkey and managed to mail it to me. What do you mean not safe? Then we need to get you out of here."

"They did what and didn't tell me?"

Dolan updates Harrison about the state of Hogwarts including the masquerade ball that is suppose to happen it a few hours. Harrison stated "Good thing I keep clothes in your room."

Dolan sneaks Harrison to meet up with Rowan and Leo. Together they come up with a half-baked plan to investigate the masquerade. When Harrison sees Malekif he can't help but risk getting close. And Malekif recognizes him.

"Hello little Harrison. Now why would a sweet boy like you be following me? I don't think you or your little boyfriend Dolan have thought this through."

Harrison is ready to fight "I am not afraid of you! You have haunted my memories for too long! And I'm not going to stand for it anymore. You were behind everything. Everything! I won't let you get away with it. My whole life was planned. Everything was going for me and then...I'm not going to let you get away. I'm not scared of you and I never will be! I'm going to stand and fight."

Harrison's friends have other ideas. Sea cuts in with a diversion and shoves Harrison out of the line of fire. Dolan grabs Harrison and runs "Come on. We have to go. He is not worth it." Harrison tries to pull back to the fight but Dolan holds tight. "I'm not going to almost lose you again. We have to go." Harrison give in.

Harrison, Dolan, Rowan, and Leo head for the forbidden forest and Harrison asks Sea to stay behind at the school to be their inside man. Probably the more dangerous of the jobs considering he just blatantly stated his side was with Harrison by being a distraction.

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