Corbyn Imagine

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"He should be home any minute now" I say into the phone speaking to my best friend. My boyfriend Corbyn was out with the guys and I know I shouldn't be worried but it's now past 2am and I just got a text from my brother Jonah saying that he got home an hour ago and that Corbyn wasn't with him tonight, which means that Corbyn had lied to me and is with someone else.

My ears perk up from the sound of the front door opening making me say goodbye to (BFF/N) on the phone and make my way to the front door where my boyfriend comes through and jumps in fright when he realises i'm stood in front of him, making him stumble backwards and over some shoes sending him onto the floor.

"Corbyn?" I ask and rush to his side immediately helping him up off the floor. I finally get him to his feet which was hard because he's much taller than me. "Baby? Look at me" I grab his face with my hand softly now making his eyes land on mine and stand up straight.

I gasped and took a sharp breath at the sight in front of me. He had not just 1 hickey on his neck but the left side was covered down to his collarbone. Taking a step back I take all of him in. The hickeys, the disheveled mess of hair on top of his head and the look of guilt now flash across his face made everything clear to me. He had just cheated on me.

Corbyn tried to take a step towards me trying to comfort me but also defend himself which resulted in me taking another step back. "Don't" Is all I could choke out. I was trying not to cry right now, the lump in my throat was getting bigger and the pit in my stomach made me feel sick. 

"I'm s-sorry" Corbyn finally spoke since coming through the door. "I don't even know why I did it. There's no justifying what i've just done. I am so so sorry" He apologises and rambles on. He was right this was inexcusable and I don't think I can forgive him for this, the tears now formed and were starting to roll down my face. "Baby I-" He went to speak again but I cut him off.

"Who was it? Who was the slut you cheated on me with?" I questioned him and even though I didn't want to know the answer I think I could already guess. "Christina?" I ask and get a nod 'yes' from him. Christina is his ex-girlfriend that he claimed to not have any feelings for anymore but I guess that wasn't true. "You're just a liar. You're a liar and a cheater" and with that I span on my heels quickly and ran towards the bedroom and locking it behind me.

Grabbing my large suitcase out of the bottom of the wardrobe I start to pack everything of mine I could find and shove it in, not caring that everything was a wrinkly mess. Corbyn was now banging on the door pleading for me to let him in but I was trying so hard not to listen to him and drown him out with my cries, I was now full on sobbing packing everything I had owned about to leave my boyfriend who had just cheated on me.

I had to give myself a minute to stop crying and compose myself so I could walk out of the house without letting him stop me, taking the biggest shaky breath in I unlock the door and open it to a red eyed Corbyn as he was now crying to. "Move" I mutter under my breath to him but loud enough for him to hear, he just stays in his place shaking his head and repeatedly saying the word 'no'. "Corbyn, move out of my way"  I demand my tone of voice now slightly louder and when he doesn't budge I aim for his left shoulder and push past him knowing it would hurt him from the bruises.

"Please don't go" Corbyn pleas to me crying, "I know I messed up real bad but I promise it was a mistake. It won't happen again" He tries to grab my hand and pull me towards him but I wasn't going to let him do this, not to me. I pull my hand away from him and start to put my shoes on that were beside the front door. 

"You're right Corbyn it won't happen again, because i'm not about to give you another chance so you can cheat on me again. You promised me when we first got together that Christina was in the past, YOU LIED TO ME!" I shout the last part at him. "You cheated on me and you lied to me, why should I give you another chance when all the trust I used to have in you is now gone? Because a relationship is built on trust and love and clearly you don't love me otherwise you wouldn't have done this and I don't think I could ever trust you again" I let it all out and tell him exactly how I feel and even though yes I do still love him, I could never forgive him and trust him again. 

I go to turn around and open the front door but Corbyn grabs ahold of wrist not letting me go. "I do love you, don't think that I don't love you because I do-" He cries out to me and hearing them words mean everything to me but I cut him off once again and for the last time because there was one thing I was 100% sure about.

"But you love her more." And with that I yank my wrist out of his hold and leave without turning back to him.

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