Chapter 1: Out The App Store

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Y/N - Your Name

N/N - Your Nickname

Y/A - Your App/ Game

3rd person POV

What is this world? You thought. There was many like you; apps. All inside an app (App Store). All inside... home. Or like the beings on the outside called it:

The Phone.

This was where you belonged. Where you were born. And soon you were leaving. The button next to you started to turn into a circle, and you could feel yourself being pushed out of the App Store. You tried to stay in, but nothing was working. Soon you were fully kicked out. You looked up to see the sky, which looked awfully like a person. Then, you saw it:

Your Home.

You walked over and opened the door. It was simple; your bedroom, your office, your living room and kitchen. Keep in mind only about two people could fit in each room. "I guess it just needs a couple updates then it'll be ok!" You told yourself. Suddenly, the house began to move "Wooaaaah!!" You yelled, clutching onto a cupboard. It finally stopped moving and you were struggling to get on your feet.

"That was... weird..." You stepped outside, to see at least another 8 houses around you. "Woah! I must have been moved into a folder..." You started to catch up. There was a lot of other apps there, and they started to form a crowd around you.

"Hey you must be the new app!" One that you thought must have been called TikTok said.

"It's great to see you!" Another that you thought must have been called Snapchat said.

"Welcome to The Phone!" ANOTHER said, which you thought must have been called Pinterest.

"Hey, woah- slow down!- I'm Y/N," You introduced. Some apps looked at each other and nodded heads, whilst others smiled. "Oh, so you must be Y/A... is that right?" One of the many you thought was called Reddit said.

You nodded your head. Everyone left and you started to walk around and explore. This place is so interesting... You thought. You wanted to go out the folder, but didn't know how. "Hey... do you know how to get out the folder?" You asked someone. They turned to you.

You gasped. The second most used app in the world! You thought. It was none other than YouTube himself. "Oh, hey Y/N. You just go up there and climb the ladder," He explained. You astonished by the fact one of the most used apps in the world was talking to one of the least used apps in the world (Sorry 😕😕).

You gazed at him, not even paying attention to what he was saying. "Huh? Oh sorry, I er.. can you give me guide of The Phone?" You asked. Coincidentally, your speech fit in to what he way saying. "Oh, sure. Follow me," YT walked off, you following behind.

Ok, Y/N... Just act natural... It's not like he's Google or anything... You thought, trying to calm your excitement down.

YouTube's POV

So I showed Y/N around a bit, here and there and everywhere..  and she seemed so excited to learn about everything. It was weird to be honest, as other new apps came around and I showed them the other apps, and they soon got into it and just acted serious. It's a shame really, I've always wanted a goofy and fun friend.

Don't get me wrong- Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and all my other friends are great and all; They always act serious when they have their job times. I am too, but they just try to get serious and impress me, by being serious like me at work. And whenever I tell them to try have fun at work they always seem to ignore that. Maybe because I do..? Maybe I should stop that.

But Y/N was amazing. I would love her to be my friend, really. She is always so energetic, so fascinated, so... perfect. She was like a gem. After the 'tour' I decided to invite her over to my place a bit.

"Hey, wanna go to my place for a bit? Like have a look around to see what your future office may look like... and things..." I offered. For some reason I blushed a bit after. Mahbe I phrased it wrong..? Well, whatever I messed up on didn't seem to bother Y/N. "Oh my god!! YES!!" She yelled, then covered her mouth. "I mean er... Yes, of course."

I laughed at her little mess up "It's ok- you can say your excited if you want to- I don't really care if you act childish.." I explained. She nervously laughed, then hugged me tightly.

Wow, this girl is really social. And friendly. And like I mentioned before:

A perfect gem.

{DISCONTINUED} App Humans | Deleted | YouTube x Reader |Where stories live. Discover now