Special Delivery

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*another high school Lindanny*

Linda closed her locker and sighed. It had been a very bad day so far. She woke up with a migraine, it was pouring cats and dogs, her cramps were killing her, and she had a very strong feeling she just failed a math test. Her parents were out of town and no help, her brother was an idiot and just stayed away from her.
Linda sat in biology, trying very hard not to cry. She felt terrible, and her boyfriend- who always comforted her no matter what- was in college now, and she barely saw him. She was dreading the day when she would accidentally see him with a bleached-blonde tramp on his arm.
She sighed and counted down the minutes until school was over.
Linda laid on her bed with the heat pad across her stomach on full power. She slowly took a sip of her ice cold water while studying for her science class.
The doorbell rang, and the blonde let out a groan. Maybe if I ignore it, they'll go away. But it rang and rang and rang.
Linda muttered a curse under her breath as she painfully walked down the stairs. "What?"
"Special delivery," a voice, that sounded familiar, said on the other side.
"Special delivery? I didn't order any-" her face lit up when she saw who it was. "Danny!" She hugged him and kissed his lips. "What're you doing here?"
"Believe it or not, I remember the last time you were on your period."
She raised an eyebrow, not believing a word he said.
"Okay, so that's a lie. I just wanted to see you."
Linda smiled and led Danny to the couch. "How have you been?"
"Good, I guess. College is okay. I'm not too fond of my job, but I'm getting paid. How about you?"
"All things considered," she smiled sarcastically, "My life sucks. You and your family are the only good things in life."
"That's not true. I just know that you're acing all your classes."
Linda shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe." She fiddled with her over sized sweatpants.
"Aren't those mine?" Danny pointed to her pants.
"I dunno. You probably gave them to me." She shrugged and let out a painful sigh.
"What's wrong?"
"Oh. I'm sorry."
"Me, too...."
They were silent for a minute before Danny spoke up. "Oh! Wait a minute! I've got something for you."
"What is it?" He handed Linda a gift wrapped box with a pretty red bow.
"Oh, you didn't have to get me this. Whatever this is!"
"I know. But I wanted to. Go ahead and open it."
Linda carefully took the ribbon off and placed it next to her on the couch. She then ripped the paper off the box and felt tears beginning to form. "Stork's Orange Creams. Oh, Danny." She hugged her boyfriend, then wiped the tears away. "You remembered!"
"Course I remembered. Who can forget a name like Stork's Orange Creams? That had nothing to do with chocolate!"
"You're really sweet, Danny." She hugged her boyfriend one more time. "I love you."
"I love you more." He teased.
"I love you the most!" She smiled and popped a chocolate in her mouth.
Little did they know that they'd be saying those teases for the rest of their lives.

For My Fellow SurvivorsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz