Chapter 1: Henry

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         "Henry!!" I instantly woke up after hearing my little sister, Piper, yell my name. 'Gosh she can be annoying', I thought. I slowly sat up in my bed, still very groggy from the little sleep I had gotten that night. I was helping Captain Man stop a bank robbery at the Swellview bank almost all night.

          Before I could step foot on the floor, my door opened and a fuming Piper came stomping in. "Henry! Mom said to hurry up! Or you're going to make me late for Marsha's party!" She yelled.

        I rolled my eyes, and stated, "Ok Piper. Give me a few minutes to get ready."

       "Just hurry!" And with that she stormed out, but not even putting effort into shutting my door behind her. 

        I slowly got to my feet, still feeling sore from when that robber hit me with his bat. 'I knew I was going to feel that in the morning,' I thought. Once I was on my feet, I made my way over to my dresser to try and find a pair of clothes to wear for the day. When I said try, I meant I will try to find clean clothes. Scattered across my floor were piles of clothes. Some shirts over here. Some pants there. Just one big mess.

      'Ah-ha!'  After digging in my dresser and searching my room for about 5 minutes, I found some (semi) clean clothes, a flanel shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. I quickly threw them on, almost causing me to fall on my ass, before I headed out of my room to see if I could grab something to eat before Piper yells at me again. 

        Flying down the stairs (not literally), I saw Piper sitting on the couch engrossed in her phone. 'I guess maybe I have more time'  I think as I walk into the kitchen of my house. I was poking through cabinets when finally I opened the fridge and my mouth watered at the sight of my mom's famous homemade blueberry muffins. I reached out my hand and grasped one. I closed the fridge and slowly took a bite of the delicious savory taste of the muffin. Feeling the sensation of the blueberry dancing on my taste buds. The sensation didn't last long though, as I slowly reminded myself that I needed to take Piper to her friend's party. 'Ugh.'  

       I made my way out of the kitchen, muffin still clenched in my hand, grabbing my keys off the counter between the two rooms before entering the living room space. 

      "You ready to go?" I asked Piper. She abruptly got up, and rushed towards the door, saying a 'yes' in the middle of it all. We both made our way out to my green Dodge Ram 1500 truck, me jumping in the driver's seat and Piper into the passengers'. I put the key in the ignition,  turned on the motor, and put it into gear. Backing out of the driveway, I wasn't expecting to make a conversation when Piper suddenly spoke.

       "Hey...Henry?" She asked.

       I glanced at her in the corner of my eye, and answered, "Yes?"

      She tucked a strand of her blond hair behind her ear, a thing she does when she doesn't know how to say something. It took a couple more minutes until she finally spoke, "Uh...thanks for taking me to Marsha's party. And uh....sorry for um...yelling at you earlier."

         I raised my eyebrow in shock at that statement. 'Piper apologizing? I mean Piper?' I didn't take my eyes off the road, and continued driving. I honestly didn't know what to say to that. Like she never apologized before to me. I knew I had to say something to her, but before I got the chance to, we had already arrived at Marsha's house. There were balloons tied to the mailbox, probably to tell people this is where the party is. 

      I pulled up to the curb, and stopped in front of the house. Putting the truck into park unlocking the door. Piper pulled the handle to open the door, and swung the door open. Before she stepped out, she turned around and wrapped her arms around me, since the center consul was up. I slowly pulled her into a side hug. What caught me really off guard was her whispering three words into my ear, "I love you."

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