Chapter 2:Ray

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            Worried can't even describe how I am feeling about this mission. I feel as if Henry and I are entering a death trap. We know nothing about these creatures, and I'm worried for Henry. He lost his superpower the last time we took on a new villain, as known as Rick Twitler. Even though it has been a year, I don't think he has gotten used to not having any powers. My hands were gripping the steering wheel of the Man Van so tightly my knuckles were turning white. 

       "Dude? Are you ok?" I snapped out of my thoughts and glanced over at Henry, who is sitting in the passengers' seat and looking at me with concern evident in his eyes.

          "Yeah I'm fine. Just this whole fiasco is getting to me," I sighed. 

        Henry put his hand on my shoulder, "We will take these creatures down, just like every other villain we have encountered." He encouraged.

         "I know, but..." I began.

         "No but's, both types, we are going to win. Like what can these creatures even do? I bet they can't even win against a chicken," He chuckled, I soon joining in. 

      The laughter died as we have arrived at Town Hall and the sight we see is just....just awful. The building is almost completely torn to shreds, but that wasn't the worst part. As we jumped out of the van, we could see that there were bodies littering the ground. 'I think they can win against a chicken. I think they can win against all the chickens in the world plus some.' 

       "Kid!" I yelled to Henry, "We need to find survivors!" He nodded and we both ran to see if there was anyone alive within the rubble. 'I hope splitting up doesn't backfire in my face.' I think as I start to head to the left and Henry to the right. I walked through the rubble, scanning with my eyes for any sign of moment. Straining my ears to hear any pleas for help. That was when I heard it. The shriek. My fear that is building up is for Henry. "Is the creature going after him? Is he alright? Where's the creature?' All these questions flooded my mind, taking my focus away from the task at hand when I felt, rather than heard, a thump behind me. I jumped, turning 360 so I was face to face with one of the creatures. I felt all the blood drain from face as I saw the razor sharp teeth, with saliva running off them in strands. It was at least 8 foot tall, black scales covering it from head to toe with a deep red glow underneath. Its body shape was nothing that looked normal. It was its own feature. It lifted one of its giant arms, and that's when I saw the talons. At least 4 inches long, sharp as a razor, like its teeth.

       I usually don't get scared, but looking into this thing's eyes, has me shaken to the bone. Their eyes are black as night, and are full of hate. More than I have ever seen on any of our enemies' faces. I knew I was indestructible, but I felt as if I wouldn't come out of this alive. 

        The creature started to advance towards me, taking each step carefully. It was almost...stalking me. Like I was the prey. I was stepping back, trying to keep as much distance between myself and it. This got harder as it picked up its pace, and suddenly it lashed out at me. I barely was able to avoid the talons from reaching my skin, even if it won't harm me. 

       I could tell the creature was set to kill as it kept trying to slice my head off. It did it over and over again, until I finally had enough and shot it with my laser. That was the worst mistake, as I saw it look at the place I shot it and its eyes only seemed to darken. It let out a terrible shriek as it raised it head and arms towards the sky. 'I think I pissed it off.'  I thought. I began to tremble once their gaze had meet mine. If I thought their eyes showed hate earlier, it didn't compare to how they are now. Giving an innocent smile, I turned and bolted the other direction. There's crashing behind me and I know that it is following me. I don't know where I'm going, I am just trying to get away from the monster that is crashing through the rubble. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2019 ⏰

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