I: An Accident

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It has been a few months since you've been attending Beacon and you were so excited to finally be here, to finally become a huntsmen and bring light to people's lives. It truly did feel like you'd finally have a fresh new start here, until the bullying started once people discovered your lack of a semblance and low aura.

You had the skill, no one could deny it but you could only dodge for so long before you messed up and your aura started to disappear insanely fast, it usually took like 5 hits for your aura to go in the red but certain people could take it down in 1 shot. One of those people being Yang Xiao Long, the blonde bombshell of team RWBY and one of your worse bullies. Speaking of the devil...

Yang: "Hey weakling, need some help training, let's go a few rounds."

Y/N: "Sure Yang."

Yang ordered you with a casual tone, not even bothering to look at you to see if you were busy. You answered equally casually, you both knew she was going to beat you down but you can't deny you were getting benefits of being able to dodge hits better.

Yang: "You do the homework yet?"

Y/N: "Working on it, will text you the answers later."

Yang asked as you two begun to make your way to the gym, you giving the honest answer since even your own team has taken to looking down on you as of late, meaning you were stuck working outside of your previously quiet and peaceful dorm.

Your team kept urging you to stand up but you knew what would happen, a weakling who can't even beat up one of his bullies except Jaune and maybe Ren would stand no chance against them, even if you take down Jaune or Ren, Pyrrha or Nora would surely come teach you a lesson, the latter probably living up to the threat of breaking your legs after so long.

But it would seem they finally gave up and for a while it was good to not have them pester you about it, at least until they started to leave you out of group stuff. First it was just simple hang outs every now and then, a forgotten message once every few weeks, an event invite that slips their mind or just sudden desires to head out and unable to get in contact with you.

Now they have been slowly but surely ignoring you. Some times you'd have to ask 3 times to get an answer and you were certain they were slowly starting to hang out with your tormentors. It sucked to see them drift away from you but you were happy they were now seemingly becoming more happy.

In the end, that's all you wanted, to make people happy and if this was how it was done then... Well, you had no other choice but to do it. Which is why you were giving Yang the answers to your homework, why you were willingly going to "train" with her and why you were still in Beacon. Things would have to get better eventually.

Ruby: "Training again Yang?"

Yang: "Yup, no one gets a body this good by doing nothing."

Ruby asked as you two walked by, the young team leader deciding to tag along to talk with her sister who gestured to her body as she gave an answer, a grin on her face as she does so.

Ruby: "Can you even get a work out done with Y/N?"

Yang: "Surprisingly yes, he has been getting better at dodging and even then he can take quite a few hits even without his aura. Almost impressive really."

Ruby asked her older sister as she looked at your scrawny body, the baggy clothing doing nothing to help hide your form. Yang however answered with a bit of a surprise, practically praising your endurance and even she saw you were getting better! Maybe she wasn't just using this as an excuse to beat you for fun?

Y/N: "Thank you Yang."

Yang: "Shut it."

Ruby: "It's rude to listen in on other people's conversations!"

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