Roleplay Ideas

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You want to roleplay and don't know what? Don't worry and check out this huge (well, not so huge, but still pretty big) list! :)

1. Gods 

If you know me well enough (you probably don't but don't worry, you will eventually), you also know how much it means to me to roleplay as Greek Gods. 

2. Hogwarts

It's really not that hard to guess that I love Harry Potter (check out my other story, The Pureblood Princess. Heh, shameless self-promo oopsie) and you should try to RP on this theme too. Create your own plot and characters or go after J. K. Rowling's (queen btw) ideas.

3. Fantasy

One of my favourite things ever! Nothing can go wrong in your own imagination!

4. Mafia

I don't know how well you know me, but I assure you this was, as well, a huge part of my childhood... roleplays. It still probably is though :D

5. Camp Half-Blood

For all the Percy Jackson fans out there, here it is. You can be whosever son/daughter you want!

These were only 5 ideas, but I assure you, there will be many more to come!

Onto the next page you have to go! :)

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