I promise I'll google how to choose a good title

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Here are RP ideas from 26 to 30:

26. Celebrities

If last time we ended with Little Mix, we have to start with celebrities (ok what kind of logic is that?! lol). Always wanted to become famous? *Poof* Now you can with this roleplay idea!

27. Monster High

OK, this list has literally no logic but whatever. Be an already existing monster or create your own! (needless information #n: My favourite characters from monster high are Cleo and Twila)


K-pop is trendy nowadays and we can all agree that Jisoo, Jennie, Rose and Lisa are all QUEENS, right?

29. Galactic Game

An intergalactic reality show? Say what? (if you don't know what that is, follow these steps: go to the Play/App Store -> Search -> Episode -> Download(it's okay, it's free) -> Open App -> Search Stories -> Galactic Game -> Read Story. It has about 50 episodes, but I promise IT'S WORTH IT. I have read the story two times and I will surely do it again lol)

30. Emotionless

So many possibilities for this one... don't even get me started! (if you have no idea what I'm talking about, follow these steps: go to Youtube -> Search -> Emotionless -> watch video)

Okay, this was my list and stay tuned for roleplay scenarios!!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2019 ⏰

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