Chapter 21

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As  soon as my mom pulls out the parking lot Annie  pulls up.She gets out the car and she looks beautiful her hair is pulled back neatly in a fishtail,she's wearing skinny jeans,a orange shirt and a white scarf that blends it to light blue that blends with dark blue.

"What are you looking at?!"she snaps.

'' I-I  was-"I studer.

" You know what?I don't care, the reason I came here is I need a favor."

"Okay..What kind of favor."I ask.

"Well you know how your sister ended up in the hospital?That was my fault, and now Keegan and I are no longer together.So I need you to spy on your beloved sister.By spy I mean eavesdrop on her conversation with Keegan and Ian."she steps closer her eyes hipnatizing me.And I step away.

"No way I just apologized to her and we were finally getting along."

"Please."she steps closer and this time I don't regain.

"Whats in it for me."I smirk.

"Anything you want."she whispers in my ear.

"I can't I'm sorry and stop doing that."

"Doing what?"

"You know I like you and your trying to play me,and you just jealous of Spencer so your trying to use me to get closer to her."I saw audaciously.

" I'm not jealous." she snaps once again."Why does everyone  keep telling me I'm jealous,if anything Spencer should be jealous of me."she cries.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to."a few minutes past of sobs."I'll do it."

"What?" she automatically stops crying.

"I said I'll do it."


"Yes...Do you mind giving me a ride home."

" 'course."


I step out the car I see Keegan so head over to him.I decide to tap his shoulder and he punches me."What the hell man I was just saying hi chill."I says rubbing his cheek.

"Sorry. "

"What's that in the trash." I ask looking over his shoulder.

"Umm... trash..its old clothes..old clothes your mom told me to throw out."he lies I saw what it was bloody sheets.That probably means Keegan and Spencer...had sex.Annie's not going to like this.

"But my mom would give them to-"

"It's getting a bit stuffy out here how about we go inside."I nods.He is the worst lier.

"Can I borrow some clothes please."he begs.


" Why does everyone like Spencer she's nothing she's just a pathetic bitch who wants attention.What she really wants is Ian and Keegan to turn against me,she his something coming for her so she better watch her back.Obviously getting beat up didn't help it just mad shit worse for me.Ian is the worse cousin ever he's supposed to comfort me not push me away....betray me.I can't wait to see my daddy tommorow to tell him all about her. What if Keegan's at Spencers house?So many questions that go unanswered,the only choice I have left is Josh.

*Phone call*

"Hey are you still at the hospital?"


"Can you stay there so I can meet up with you...I need a favor."

"I'll be standing at the post E in the parking lot in the front."

"Thanks bye."

*Phone call ends*

  I honestly never thought I would ever call him.


I speed in the lot and park right in front of Josh.When step out she just keeps staring at me,I finally get annoyed and snap "What are you looking at?!"I demand.

'' I-I  was-"I

" You know what?I don't care, the reason I came here is I need a favor."

"Okay..What kind of favor."he obnoxiously questions.

"Well you know how your sister ended up in the hospital?That was my fault, and now Keegan and I are no longer together.So I need you to spy on your beloved sister.By spy I mean eavesdrop on her conversation with Keegan and Ian."I step closer to him regretting it,and he has the freaking guts to step away.What's wrong with him he's lucky I'm even talking to him

"No way I just apologized to her and we were finally getting along."

"Please."I step up again and and am  relived kinda when he doesn't step away.

"Whats in it for me."

"Anything you want."I whisper attempting to get under his skin.

"I can't I'm sorry and stop doing that."Is he foreal.

"Doing what?"I smirk deceivingly.

"You know I like you and your trying to play me,and you just jealous of Spencer so your trying to use me to get closer to her."Why does everyone think I'm jealous?

" I'm not jealous." I whine."Why does everyone  keep telling me I'm jealous,if anything Spencer should be jealous of me."I say fake crying.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to.....I'll do it."

"What?" My head shoots up.

"I said I'll do it."


"Yes...Do you mind giving me a ride home."

" 'course."


I sit at my working desk doing my homework.I check my phone when I hear a whistling noise.It's Joshua.

*Hey Annabear :)*

*Don't ever call me that What do u want*

*:( OK and your not going to like it*

*tell me*

*I think Keegan and Spencer had sex:-\ *


* when ya dropped me off I saw bloody sheets in Keegan hand and he asked for extra clothes*

*you know what that doesn't mean anything let's jus stay positive.Bye need my beauty sleep*

*FyI he left early and bye happy early birthday*

{ I know its been like forever since I updated but here it is.Please comment and vote}

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