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Wonwoo watched the other males sleep. He struggled keeping his head up as he stared at morse code operator. Slowly, he started to allow his eyes to close. Suddenly, he was awoken by a loud beep going through his ears. His eyes shot open as he looked around. He stared at the morse code operator before he gasped. "J-Jawon!! Jawon wake up!" He said as he shook the male next to him quickly.

He quickly grabbed a pen and paper and started to write down the beeps and their letters. Jawon slowly woke up from next to him. "Why are you yelling at me??" He asked. "We're getting a response!" He said as he continued to write down the letters and dots. Jawon's eyes widened as he quickly got up to go next to him. "What are they saying??" He asked. Kai slowly opened his eyes to see what the commotion was.

Slowly, the beeps turned off. Wonwoo looked at the morse code operator before he looked back at the paper. He slowly took off his headphones. "W-What does it say?" He said. Jawon slowly picked it up before reading the message that Wonwoo wrote down. "It is the Americans. They're willing to help us!" He said. Kai slowly sat up. "Guys, what's going on...?" He asked quietly. Wonwoo looked at him. "We got a response from America." He said. Kai's eyes widened. "R-Really??" He asked. Wonwoo smiled and nodded. "Well, what did they say??"

Jawon read the message. "It's a date. April 21st." He said quietly. Kai looked at them. "It's February 28th." He said quietly. Jawon looked at him before looking back at the paper. "Maybe it's another bombing. Like the one from last week." He said quietly. "Then we need to prepare right? The government is still on their cases for bombing. That would give us enough time to prepare to escape." He said. Wonwoo glanced over at the other four men who were still sleeping.

"I want to get them out of here...." He said quietly. "I want to see the real world again......I want you and Chan to know what it's like out of this fucked up country." He said as he pointed to Jawon. Jawon looked at him before slowly nodding. "Then we get out of here. We find guns, we find bombs, we make bombs. We do anything we can to get the hell out of here." He said. Kai looked at them before slowly nodding. "I want to leave.....I want to see my parents again..." He said quietly. Wonwoo looked at him and nodded. "You will. I promise." He said quietly.


Haru laid on the ground, his jacket tightly wrapped around him. His eyes were closed tightly in his sleep. He could see his dream unfolding before him.

He was underwater, a city below him. Flashes of memories and never before seen memories flooded his vision. And he couldn't do anything. He had to watch everything unfold in front of him. Jawon getting in a car crash, Chan, Minseok, and Wonwoo getting kidnapped, Seung going missing. Kai by himself for eternity. He couldn't do anything. He couldn't move. He couldn't scream.

Nothing came out of his mouth, but more water went in. He could feel the water clogging his lungs, an all too familiar feeling. He could feel his body shaking violently in the real world but couldn't do anything. He closed his eyes tighter as he grabbed at his chest, a growing pain residing there. "Haru!"

He opened his eyes. He could hear the voices. He could hear his name. "Haru!" His hans still grabbed at his chest as his other reached out in front of him. He clenched his teeth tightly as the pain grew even more. It felt like a heart attack. He closed his eyes tightly again before he heard his name again. He opened his eyes again to see a car. He was in the back of it. In front of him were two black figures. They drove and drove, until Haru saw a bright light approaching them. His eyes widened as he felt the light collide with the car.


His eyes shot open before he quickly sat up. He closed his eyes tightly before he turned to his left, violently emptying his stomach into the ground. Minseok quickly pulled his hair out of his face as he watched him vomit onto the ground. "Haru are you okay?!" He asked as Haru breathed heavily. The younger slowly looked around where he was. He was back in Minseok's house, his lover next to him. "What happened.....?" He asked quietly. Minseok sat him up more. "Y-You must've had a nightmare. You were shaking and screaming really badly...." He said quietly. Haru looked at him before he closed his eyes, resting his head on his shoulder.

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