(shipping stuff :D)

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What your favorite hazbin ship says about you:

Chaggie: you appreciate a healthy relationship

Radiodust: you have a fetish for hot guys kissing and you most likely have a crush on one if not both of them.

Cherrious: you are a firm believer in opposites attract.

Alastor x Mimzy : you want more screen time for an underrated character.

Charlastor: your an awesome person with amazing taste. (But come on! your here for the smut...)

VaggieDust / spidermoth : you just want good things for Vaggie and Angel and let's be honest who doesn't.

Mimsk: your open to possibilities AND you have a thing for thick thighs!

Naxter: your heterosexual

Charlie x Angel dust : you just think Angel's hot.

Husk x Criminy: age is just a number. but jail is just a place....(Lol, pedophile jokes aside it's a good ship)

Charlie x sir pensions : your crush is an emo.

Mollastor : your great at writing sex scenes.

Alastor x sir pensions: .....uh.....

Molly x Charlie: it's the same joke with RadioDust but with ladies and you read a lot of fluff.

Vaggie x Cherri: your ideal date is a badass anime girl.

Angel x Sir Pentious: at this point you don't care how you ship him with.... As long as it has Angel dust in it you LOVE IT!

Mimzy x Rosie : you love characters how are in desperate need of more screen time while enjoying some quality fluff.

Husk x  Alastor: your a furry

Vaggie x Molly: your main priority is keeping it real! And keeping it gay!

Angel Dust x Husk: Husk is your dream daddy.

Nifty x Alastor: your ideal date involves getting your senpai to notice you.

Alastor x Vaggie: your in a league of your own! And your favorite relationship dynamic is bickering couples.

Lucifer x Lilth: you find it iconic that the Lord of Hell has a better love life then you.

Ok so that's that

I honestly don't know where to end here's a meme

I honestly don't know where to end here's a meme

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Well I'm not wrong

ANYWAY.... I'm gonna make more charlastor stuff with a more serious tone I just wanted to get all the fluffy sweet stuff out of the way before we get into the niddy gritty stuff. With that in mind look out for two more Fluff fics before we get into the story I was thinking about.

Other other stuff I want to get out of the way. I love the idea of this story but I feel like it falls flat so for anyone how isn't satisfied with this fic I recommend check out LilPencil222
story called homophobia and gaytopa
It's not hazbin hotel but it's still pretty good. I've been skimming through most of the book and it's very well-written.

Oh and to close off this update. you might what to be on your tiptoes because when The toxicity rears its ugly head. You have to be ready. There have been a few instances of bullies in the shipping community. It should die down as long as nothing else happens.
Thanks for reading.

love is love, deal with it (a male! Charlie x Alastor one-shot)Where stories live. Discover now