A New Member (FTO)

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-Author: So this is Lucas/Boat meeting his new guild, and I'm just going to be wearing his new outfit the whole time (the one he got after the while Ms. Pendergast situation). Also I just realized that I write more when I don't feel good. This isn't my best work but I decided if I didn't publish it now I never would-

"Okay everyone I would like to introduce Divinus Magia's new member," Ritchie said.
The young adult that stepped out from the shadows had tan skin and brown hair. His eyes were a startling blue. His choice of fashion was just as lacking as when his guild attacked the island. David felt a sense of dread creep into his mind as he stared wide eyed at their guilds 'new member.'
Omni shot up, "that guy attacked our guild!" He yelled.
Brandon muttered something under his breath.
"Well yes..." Ritchie said, "but Divinus Magia is a place for reformed criminals."
Their new member remained quiet throughout the whole exchange, his face unreadable.
Mario glared at him.
Inmo started to protest again but Ritchie cut him off, "We were all criminals once, let him introduce himself at least."
"Go ahead," Mario growled.
"My name is Boat," he said his voice betraying no emotion.
"What kind of a name is Boat?" David asked mockingly.
"Mine," he answered carefully.

Time skip brought to you by Ritchie x Ritchie ships (which I'm considering doing)

It was late but Kit couldn't sleep.
So she decided to take a walk in David's garden.
As she was walking in between the flowerbeds Kit noticed someone sitting on the shore.
She walked over to them and realized the person in question was Boat.
Kit sat next to him quietly.
She was fire he was water.
But in that moment of silence they bonded...
After the first round of silence they chatted a little, he was still pretty quite though.
Before she finally got the courage to ask, "is Boat your real name?"
He was silent for a moment, worrying her.
"Lucas," he said.
"Oh," she squeaked.

Time skip brought to you by Jakey's literal time skip powers

It was awkward.
The whole guild just sitting there waiting for Ritchie and Brandon.
Inmo kept shooting dark glances at Boat.
That's when Mario made a decision.
"I'm just going to cut strait to the point here Boat," Mario said.
The water mage focused his eyes on him, and all Mario's other guild mates did as well.
"Why are you blocking off your full potential?" The cavern dragon slayer asked.
"You mean he got S class without using his full strength?!" David shouted.
"I-" Boat said.
"Don't try to deny it," Mario said crossing his arms.
Brandon, who had quietly dropped down into the room while everyone was looking at Mario cleared his throat.
"God slayer right," he said.
Boat silently nodded.

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