The Mutant's Relations

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-Author: The stupid fan base (love you guys) got me hooked on Ritchie x Devin and I just watched Ritchie's new episode so here we go-

Rian felt angry as he walked into Packhaven, very angry.
Austin and Bri had made sure he had calmed down somewhat before going their just so he didn't lose control, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to pound those wolfs (or is it wolves?) into oblivion.
They would think twice before messing with what was his ever again.
Not that they would be alive to make that mistake a second time though.

The first wolf Ritchie saw after stepping into the village he set on fire.
That made him feel a little better, just a little.
"Hey!" Someone yelled.
Ritchie turned and punched the werewolf, sending him flying into the wall of a nearby house.
He heard a sound behind him and quickly dodged the attack.
Landing behind the male he hit the hat wearing wolf into a nearby totem.
"Where is Devin?" Rian growled.
"Ritchie," a familiar voice called out.
He tried to fly over to the demon wolf but his path was blocked by the members of the insufferable pack he was currently in he village of.
'Stupid weaklings won't stay down,' he thought.

Before he could do anything else however someone landed in the middle of the battle.
"Michael" the wolf with the stupid hat growled.
"I would appreciate it if you would all stop fighting now and hand my son over now," the devil said.
"But we don't have your son we only have this monster," weak eyepatch wolf said.
"Watch it," Rian growled stepping forward, but Michael put his arm in front of him.
"I suggest you and me back my son before things get messy," he said in a deadly calm.
"We don't have your so-" he started but was interrupted.
"Actually you do," Devin said.
"Wait seriously!?" The white haired one said, "this is your son?"
The devil nodded and said, "Yes, now hurry up and give him back before I let Ritchie here tear you apart."

The wolves grudgingly gave back the incubus hybrid and the group flew off.
When they got back to Ashborne (e or no e?) Devin got a serious talking to, was scolded, hugged, and kissed.


I know it was short but I'm just proud I actually wrote something!

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